NZLARPS will be holding its national AGM at 6:30 PM on Friday 9th October Friday 16th October 2020 at 16 Hill Grove, Nae Nae, Wellington. There will be an online option for those of us not in the capital, likely via Google Meets.
If you intend to attend in person please let @lesbiancobra know so she can manage numbers around whatever alert level we’re in by then.
Regional AGM information can be found at the bottom of this post.
- Acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes
- Approval of accounts
- Reports from committee
- Election of returning officer
- Election of the new national committee
Electronic ballots for voting will be emailed out on October 2, after committee nominations have closed. We need 30% of the membership to participate in order to make quorum. I urge everybody to attend or to vote online.
Acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes
The minutes taken at last year’s AGM are available here
Approval of Accounts
Accounts for the last financial year can be found here
Reports from committee
These will be given at the meeting. Additional material may be posted in the NZLARPS forum on Diatribe.
Election of returning officer
The meeting will need to elect someone to count the votes, including electronic votes. Nominations will be taken from the floor.
We will be using SurveyHero for online voting as we have previously to allow the counting of the votes to be more reliable and easier for our returning officer.
Election of the new national committee
A nominations thread for the national committee is open here:
Nominations close on October 2, 2020 Friday October 9th, 2020 . Self-nominations are permitted, and please nominate or second anyone you would like to see on the committee. We encourage all members to take an interest in the management of the society. Nominees must be members in order to accept their nomination - if you are not yet a member I will contact you with joining information
Regional AGM information