The great Harvest Moon ride sharing thread

I’m probably a bit late for this (took me forever to figure out this message board thing), but I’ll need a ride from town at any time on Friday, from Kelburn. A ride back would be nice too. Not likely to have much, just one large or two small bags, and am more than willing to help with petrol costs and/or set dressing.

Unfortunately I am in the same position. But also willing to help cover costs.

Right I have 2 already but I’ll squeeze you in Russ. My two crew mates shouldn’t have much gear

My Cousin’s car still has 3 seatbelts available, but probably not room for 3 people’s worth of gear, leaving Kelburn about 6pm. Contact me directly, messages get lost on forums.
It is currently taking Alex B.

Yay, have a ride out there, but not one back.


[quote=“Snowfire”]Yay, have a ride out there, but not one back.


Might be easiest to just ask once everyone is in the same place.

Since no one has taken me up on getting a lift to the site, I will likely have space on Sunday.