Hi Guys,
Im looking at writing a game along the lines of Cloud atlas / Assassins creed and would like feedback/ a show of interest in the game
Soul dynasty is a campaign style game, where players will play the descendants of the character they played in the previous game(s). Each character is the reincarnation of the same soul, in a different body.
Decisions made by a player, will change not just the outcome of the current characters life, but potentially the life of their descendant characters too.
This should make players think twice about risking stealing a pirates treasure for the curse might persist after death!
I was thinking of a game progression that follows the different time periods
Stone age (cavemen)
Medieval (knights and wizards)
Darkages (Warewolves and vampires)
Renaissance (Pirates and Spanish armada)
Victorian (Steampunk)
Modern (current day)
Futuristic (space travel)
Post apocalyptic (fallout)
Some skills and abilities will only be available to acquire during certain games. Learning lightning bolt in medieval times, grants the ability to your victorian descendant.
If you were a vampire in the darkages, the modern you might be one too (even if the victorian one wasnt).
It might end up that your futuristic character is a spaceship captain, who is part warewolf, and can shoot lighting while firing a steampowered laser rifle.
So yeah, comments please! Even if its just a “like” comment. too often I see a game idea land here get 200+ views but only 2 comments, which is why I think most games go here to die. Its hard to judge levels of enthusiasm.