Lets get this party started, team!
I’m still uncertain about the GM wheels situation (I’m trying to convince parents to lend me their awesome 5 seater van…) and I’m also remembering that on our way back from the first session we had someone sitting in the footwell. All going to plan, the GM’s can probably take your GEAR, provided you get it to us ahead of time, but we may be very short on room for people.
People who need a ride line up on the left, people who can offer a ride line up on the right.
To make life easier for all involved, can everyone put their Wheres and Whens and Approximate Volume of Stuff requirements/availabilities down as well?
A few people have asked, and now I have the answer. We have access to the site from middday, and the GM van will likely be showing up a bit after that.
We’re finalising details, and we’ll email them out soon, but the game is likely to be starting 7 or 8pm, and dinner will not be served as part of the start of the game. But feel free to use the facilities there to make a dinner (with the express permission of the Cook).