As a fully functioning branch of NZLARPS we need a committee! At a minimum we need these five positions filled:
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Marketing Officer
- Gear Officer
There are also 0-2 General Committee Member positions available, which are optional.
The committee needs to be formed as soon as possible. There are NZLARPS wide elections every October in which people are nominated, seconded, and voted on. Since there is only a short amount of time before that process starts, we are simply looking for volunteers for the positions to serve on the committee until the first AGM is held. If you wish to volunteer for any of these positions, please either post on this thread or email registering your interest and they will post it here.
We need at least one person from Dunedin and at least one person from Christchurch on the committee (to ensure that their respective communities are represented).
If multiple people volunteer for the same position (you keen people you!) then in the first instance I recommend the volunteers talk with each other and come to an agreement as to who the committee member will be. If an agreement can’t be reached we will hold a poll via email and on Diatribe to select the position. If there are no volunteers for a position, one can be appointed by the committee.
Having said that, I (Matt Swain) will register my interest to volunteer for the role of President until the first AGM.
If you have any questions about any of the roles, or anything above, please do ask them here. One of the first responsibilities of the Marketing Officer will be to determine the best form of communication between committee members, and between the committee and the other members of NZLARPS South Island, but until that time this thread will be the place to ask your questions.