NZLARPS South Island 2023 Committee Nominations

Nominations are now open for the Committee positions for the NZLARPS South Island Committee, 2023. These positions will be voted on at the (delayed) AGM which will be held on Sunday 5th February 2023 on the NZLARPS South Island Discord.

I will edit this post as nominations are made, accepted, and seconded.

Regional Director: Ciarán Searle (Nominated by Matt Swain, seconded by Naomi Guyer, accepted)
Secretary: Sally Hayes (Nominated by Matt Swain, seconded by Naomi Guyer, accepted)
Treasurer: Matt Swain (self nominated, seconded by Naomi Guyer)
Marketing Officer: Stuart Stoddart (self nominated, seconded by Matt Swain)
Gear Officer: Carla Bayard (self nominated, seconded by Matt Swain)
General Committee Member(s): Ben Heaps (self nominated, seconded by Matt Swain)

Matt Swain
Regional Director, NZLARPS South Island

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As a note, the constitution requires a region to have 15 members. South Island currently has 10.

I’m still getting access to the Secretary emails and bank for updating memberships, so this is current as of 24th Dec 2022, which is when I was last given the details. Hopefully we can get the required 5 by the meeting.

Hey folks,

So it’s one week until the AGM which, historically, has had only the current committee members in actual attendance, with the other “attendees” being counted as a result of their online voting, a form for which I’ll be putting out shortly - except we have had zero nominations for any of the positions, which makes voting a bit difficult.

Although Ciarán has said he’s going to put his name forward so far there have been no nominations here, by him or anyone else.

This is worrying, to say the least.

I absolutely don’t want to force anyone into putting their name forward if they have no interest in the position(s); but if there are no nominations, that leaves us in a very precarious position.

Also, it’s been pointed out to me (correctly) by the National Secretary that in the NZLARPS constitution a regional branch must have a minimum of 15 members and currently we have 10; I was planning on having another recruitment drive (with discounted membership) after the AGM, but if we can’t fill the committee with the 10 members we have I don’t really think there’s much of point, to be brutally honest.

I recognise that over the last few years things have been tough for larping but it has felt to me like a losing battle to retain membership and get games going for quite some time now - including before COVID - and the total lack of response for the AGM has (again, to be brutally honest) done nothing to make me feel any better about the future of this branch of NZLARPS.

At a minimum if we don’t get a committee going, and don’t recruit some more members then the South Island Region will, within the next year, cease to exist. More than likely we’ll be folded back into the Wellington region again and while I have every confidence in that part of the organisation, and have no doubt they’ll allow the South Island members to continue to run their own games, I would see that as a net loss for larping in the South Island.

I don’t want to breach privacy by asking for a list, but my question is
“Who are the members, and what do they want?”

I made a bid to begin an ongoing game in Dunedin a couple of months back, but received almost no interest. If people don’t want the type of LARP I pitched then, what do they want?

I don’t think I can post a list of the members publicly, but if you want to nominate someone I can tell you if they’re a valid choice or not (you must be a member to be on the committee).

As for your second question, in my experience over the last couple of years if you run a game, you’ll get the players. I’ve run several games at ORBS (formerly OURS) conventions over the past two years and filled them each time - just, in a couple of cases, but they have been filled.

I would like to be Gear Officer again. I enjoy hoarding treasures in my basement. I’m Dunedin based but go up to Christchurch every school holidays so can supply Christchurch with what they need. Hopefully I can nominate myself here.


Seconded; first post edited

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I’m a member. But I’m in Nelson, and my needs are more easily met by events in Wellington. :sweat_smile:

I do want to see more events down south, but it’s rarer I can get there (and certainly not for anything that runs often). On the other hand, a lot has changed since Covid, and if Dunedin had an event like it did last time I was down, I’d definitely try to make it. I miss all of those things. :heart:


I’d like to nominate myself for General Exec!


Welcome! And Seconded. First post updated.


I nominate myself for the Treasurer position



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I nominate myself for Marketing Officer, with the caveat that I still need to renew my membership and will do so asap (definitely before the AGM).


Seconded (pending membership which I’ll check)

I nominate Ciarán Searle for Regional Director



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I accept the nomination.


I nominate Sally Hayes for Secretary



I accept (: