NZLARPS South Island 2023 Committee Nominations

How are we doing with current membership count?

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We are good, I have to confirm payment has been received but we’ve had 8 or 9 people join since I first posted that message so we are at 18 or 19 members :smiley:

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Do you actually have bank access now @Viperion ???


19 South Island members as of today, fantastic work!

Also as a note, the membership database has South Island, Dunedin, and Christchurch all as options for region. I assume this was future proofing for if we grow large enough to split further? I have left it as is in the database for now, but I am wondering if its necessary or could be combined?

Totally not necessary IMO, having them all as “South Island” would make finding them a LOT easier :wink:

It is useful from an organisation perspective e.g. having an easy way to see who the Christchurch LARPers are, or to see where we need to focus more marketing efforts. We could change it to something like “South Island - Christchurch” for best of both.

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All nominated members were elected to their nominated positions. Minutes of the meeting to come :slight_smile:

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