NZLARPS National Committee quarterly summary October 2016.
The NZLARPS National Committee doesn’t formally meet, and instead conducts business through its Diatribe forum. As a result, we don’t publish formal minutes. Instead, we have decided to provide a quarterly summary of business.
Matters discussed
Since July the National Committee has:
- Appointed Lee Patrick as the Christchurch NZLARPS representative. Lee was appointed on the advice of the SAGA committee, since they run games in Christchurch, and she will be working closely with them to encourage more larp events down there.
- Following this, began a long-term discussion about planning for a branch in the South Island. As an interim step, the South Island has been granted startup funding and is being effectively treated as its own region, with a seperate bank account subject to the control of the Wellington committee. The next step is to boost membership to a level sufficient to sustain a formal branch and committee.
- Discussed how best to verify membership so businesses can give discounts to NZLARPS members. For privacy reasons we can’t share our membership database with outside entities, but there were a couple of suggestions on how we could distribute discount codes for online retailers.
- Related to the above: the Marketing Officer negotiated a 10% discount on purchases of Worbla over $24. A discount code for this has been emailed to all members.
- Discussed a possible Code of Conduct complaint against a person who had attended NZLARPS events. A public statement about this issue and the outcome is here
- Discussed a meeting regarding rape culture and larp which had been attended by NZLARPS representatives. This led to an extensive discussion about NZLARPS’ legal obligations and the limits of incorporated society disciplinary processes.
- Planned the 2016 AGM
Motions passed
2016-3 (15 July 2016): That Lee Patrick be appointed as Christchurch NZLARPS representative.
5 in favour (Malcolm, Naomi, Hannah, Cameron, James) -
2016-4 (7 August 2016) That NZLARPS should establish a separate bank account for the South Island.
3 in favour (James, Naomi, Malcolm) -
2016-5 (12 August 2016) That NZLARPS National should grant $300 to the new South Island account as startup funding.
4 in favour (Cameron, James, Naomi, Malcolm) -
2016-6 (12 August 2016) That NZLARPS should treat the South Island as a separate region for the purposes of annual membership income redistribution.
4 in favour (Cameron, James, Naomi, Malcolm) -
2016-7 (25 August 2016) That we distribute funds to regional branches (at a rate of $10 per member on 1 October 2016)
4 in favour (Cameron, Naomi, Malcolm, James)