Nzlarps Hamilton SGM - form a committee

Date for the SGM

  • On Sunday the 1st of June?
  • On Sunday 8th of June?
  • Another date?

0 voters

Recently the national committee voted in favour of formation of a Hamilton branch of nzlarps.

This regional branch will give Hamilton nzlarps members greater autonomy to organise and run their own regional games and events, as well as access to funding from the national body for our own branch projects, including control of regional funds via our own bank account.

As a requirement of forming a branch of the society, we need to elect a committee to govern the branch.

We need to elect:

Regional Director, Regional Treasurer, Regional Secretary, Regional Equipment Officer, and Regional Marketing Officer. We may also include up to two General Officers as required.

So consider whether you would like to take on one of these roles or who you think might best serve in these roles. Consider also the time commitment and the frequency on which you think they might meet (my view being 2 monthly or quarterly).

The proposed date for the SGM is 8th June 2014, at 3pm, venue TBC. [edited here]

I would also appreciate thought on where we might hold the meeting.

Below is a list of current nzlarps Hamilton members, being those eligible to be nominated and vote.

Jared Hansen
Christopher Kemp
Chloe Bruce
Joseph Outram
Robert Cowsley
Jamie Boyle
Courtney Quinn
Melanie Lorre
Robert Godden
James Win
Lochlan Hynd
Caitlin McFarlane
Eva Gregory
Jonathan Trevarthen
Alex Allison
Paul Phillips
Jessica Phillips
Samir Harith

Currently favouring the 8th as I had it pointed out that the 1st sits in Queen’s birthday weekend!

Hi all,
Just a little more detail on the positions to be filled on the nzlarps Hamilton branch committee and what the process ahead looks like.

Regional Director - the branch head, a leader and rudder for the committee.

Regional Treasurer - the branch accountant, the one responsible for the branch financials and account, including financial reporting to the committee and national body. This includes chasing projects and affiliates for any funds owed.

Regional Secretary - the essential voice and ears of the committee, responsible for committee meeting minutes and much of the administrative function of the committee.

Regional Gear Officer - responsible for the gear pool for the Hamilton branch. Overseeing it’s maintenance and repair, making recommendation for new gear, and responsible for the distribution and return of any gear loans to nzlarps Hamilton projects or affiliates.

Regional Marketing Officer - responsible for marketing larp in our region, responsible for marketing materials and distribution.

Regional general officers (0-2) - responsible for duties that they take upon themselves as and when required. Essentially support roles for the rest of the committee.

Prior to the SGM, nominations can be made for those positions. Nominations should be made here viewtopic.php?f=21&t=9738

To nominate someone for a role, you need only post your nomination, it needs to be seconded by one other and the nomination accepted by the nominee. You are free to nominate yourself should you wish. Nominees must of course be nzlarps Hamilton members.

Seconded and accepted nominees then become candidates for the election of a committee at the SGM.

The proposed date for the SGM is 8th June 2014, at 3pm, venue TBC.

Below is a list of current nzlarps Hamilton members, being those eligible to be nominated and vote.

Christopher Kemp
Chloe Bruce
Joseph Outram
Robert Cowsley
Jamie Boyle
Courtney Quinn
Melanie Lorre
Robert Godden
Jared Hansen
James Win
Lochlan Hynd
Caitlin McFarlane
Eva Gregory
Jonathan Trevarthen
Alex Allison (declines any nomination)
Paul Phillips
Jessica Phillips
Samir Harith (declines any nomination)

We need 70% of members to vote, either in person at the SGM or via email (an email address will be setup by the National secretary for this purpose).

Any further questions, feel free to ask.

Just a clarification… can an individual only fill one position?

/Nominate Jared Hansen for Regional Director and Regional marketing officer.

I [Chris Kemp] second jarrod as director, and nominate myself for Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer or Regional gear officer

Yes. So you need at least 5 volunteers.

I, Joseph Outram, second the nomination of Chris Kemp for the positions of Regional Secretary, Regional Treasurer and Regional Gear Officer. I nominate myself for the position of Regional Secretary or Regional Treasurer.

I would be interested in being on the committee, but because of study commitments this year the best I can offer is my support as a General Officer.

I, Jared Hansen accept nomination as Regional director for nzlarps - Hamilton branch.

I nominate Robert Cowsley as Regional Gear Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I nominate Caitlin MacFarlane for the position of Regional Secretary - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I nominate Courtney Quinn for the position of Regional Marketing Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I second Chris Kemp for the position of Regional Treasurer (and Secretary) - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I nominate Jonathan Trevarthen for the position of Regional General Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I nominate Jessica Phillips for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch

I nominate Joseph Outram for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch.

I nominate Lochie Hynd for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch

I, Lochlan Hynd, state:

I second Robert Cowsley as Regional Gear Officer
I second Caitlin MacFarlane for the position of Regional Secretary
I second Courtney Quinn for the position of Regional Marketing Officer
I third Chris Kemp for the position of Regional Treasurer
I Second Jonathan Trevarthen for the position of Regional General Officer
I nominate James Winn for the position of General Officer
I second Joseph Outram for the position of General Officer
I accept nomination for the position of General Officer

I accept the nomination for General Officer…

I accept the nomination for Regional Gear Officer.

I also second the nomination of Lochie Hynd for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch

Also to ponder, are we happy with 3pm on the 8th of June for holding the SGM? See the poll at the top of the thread!

I Second Robert Cowsley as Regional Gear Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I Second Caitlin MacFarlane for the position of Regional Secretary - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I Second Courtney Quinn for the position of Regional Marketing Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I third Chris Kemp for the position of Regional Treasurer (and Secretary) - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I Second Jonathan Trevarthen for the position of Regional General Officer - nzlarps Hamilton branch

I Second Jessica Phillips for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch

I Second Joseph Outram for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch.

I Second Lochie Hynd for the position of General Officer for nzlarps - Hamilton branch

I’d not be able to make it.

This is a good thing. Really liking what we’ve got so far and the people in the appropriate spots. Someone already beat me to nominations and seconds so, ahhh, carry on folks. Looking good :slight_smile:

I, Jessica Phillips, accept the nomination for General Officer, and I am happy to help with any accounting related issues.

I’d not be able to make it.[/quote]

You will be able to vote by email. Once a meeting date is set and nominations are closed, I’ll set up an account. The meeting will elect a returning officer to count the ballots.