NZLARPS will be holding its national AGM at 6:30 PM on Saturday 23rd October Friday 29th October online.
The address for the AGM for documentation purposes will be my (secretary) house at 4/98 Grey Street in Auckland, however there will be no physical gathering due to COVID even if Auckland is magically in level 1 in three weeks time. If you come to my house I will ask you to leave. The committee discourages any physical gatherings in other areas due to the delta strain, even if your alert level is low.
The AGM will be held online using Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent out to all registered current members just before the meeting commences. Do not come to my house.
Regional AGM information can be found at the bottom of this post (and will be updated as the threads are made).
- Acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes
- Approval of accounts
- Reports from committee
- Election of returning officer
- Election of the new national committee
Electronic ballots for voting will be emailed out on October 2, after committee nominations have closed. We need 30% of the membership to participate in order to make quorum. I urge everybody to attend or to vote online.
Acceptance of last year’s AGM minutes
The minutes taken at last year’s AGM are available here
Approval of Accounts
Accounts for the last financial year will be posted by this Friday for reference. This post will be updated with the link when this occurs.
Reports from committee
These will be given at the meeting. Additional material may be posted in the NZLARPS forum on Diatribe. Head here for this year’s financial statements.
Election of returning officer
The meeting will need to elect someone to count the votes, including electronic votes. Nominations will be taken from the floor.
We will be using SurveyHero for online voting as we have previously to allow the counting of the votes to be more reliable and easier for our returning officer.
Election of the new national committee
A nominations thread for the national committee is open here: