Kapcon XXI: Achaean

Only 5 spots left now, up to 5 female or up to 3 male.

If anyone is wondering about costume, here’s some hints:

members.ozemail.com.au/~chrisand … othing.htm


Added for the martially inclined:


Helmet and greaves

Brestplate (raw materials here


Sadly, I don’t have a link for a boar-tusk helmet

We now have a full roster for the game. However there will be drop outs (there always are), so if you would still like to play then please email us at achaean.kapcon@gmail.com and we will put you on a waiting list for any roles that open up.

And if anyone hasn’t bought their tickets yet, grabaseat has Wellington - Auckland for $49 each way on KapCon weekend. About 40 seats left, so get in quick.