How to build a hoplite helm and greaves from a carry mat

The following helm and greaves are made from a single tramping carry mat available from [color=red]The Warehouse[/color] for $7.99 and some glue and paint. Hopefully, posting these will inspire people to prepare for the Greek LARP that will run in January.

The helm is made from two pieces, the patterns for these pieces are available here: the base pattern and the skull pattern

The greave is made from a single piece, the pattern is available here: The greave pattern

  1. The [color=red]red lines[/color] on the pattern indicate where the pattern should be mirrored. All pieces are symetrical.

  2. The numbers on the patterns indicate which order I glued them together.

  3. I used ADOS F2 glue. It works well if you follow the instructions. Use TWO coats of glue and wait the required time before sticking pieces together.

  4. I assembled the skull and base completely before joining them together. Before joining them, mark on the base where the overlap will be to assist with lining up.

  5. The helm has one other piece, not shown. Inside the ‘crest’ along the top, is a piece of foam the shape of a banana. This is glued inside the helmet which is pinched together to form the thick crest.

  6. All patterns will print at the correct scale if printed at 100% from Microsoft Paint.

  7. The lines on the greaves were put in with a soldering iron.

Good luck and enjoy!

November is nice and soon. :wink:

Keen to hear any more details (date, venue, etc) when you know.

Sorry should have said JANUARY.

Okay, January is good.

:laughing: November would have been good… but hey, I can wait… :smiley: