How to make a Greek style leather breastplate

I just built one. Here is how…

First up, I purchased a mannequin off TradeMe - I think it cost about $40 but that was a year ago when I first decided to build this armour…

Then I chopped out a breastplate and backplate using a jigsaw. I used a heat gun to heat the plastic around the bottom edge so I could bend it out a bit and remove the serious builders crack between the buttocks :slight_smile:

Then, because the mannequin was a little bit skinny around the waist, I added some extensions to the sides from 3mm leather…

Then I covered it in 2mm leather. It would have been easier with a lighter leather. I used ADOS F2 glue.

It fits reasonably well, but I may change the ties to buckles as they’re a little bit slow to do up and undo.

There are 10 more of these for sale on TradeMe

Actually, there are a better shape than my one. Only $50 reserve

There are also some for the ladies, if they’re game… :wink:

Problem being that breast size varies. At least mine does. But also that model is on a tilt.

Here it is on. It makes me look like I’ve taken a deep breath…