Gobo Hunt 7

It is finally here

[size=200]Gobo Hunt 7[/size]
[size=150]Return of the Gobo Hunt[/size]
You have been warned !

Brave adventurers are once again required to venture into the realms of Hamiltonia. The King of Hamiltonia requires adventurers to invesigate a disappearnce of Gobos in a part of the realm. Also ther is the mystery of a magic item that has resisted identification by the Kings mages. If you are up to it there is even a 500GP reward

When : 12.00 noon, 22nd April 2007
Where : Bankwood Rd entrance, Donny Park
Cost : $5
Why : Because we are insane?

If you can make it please send me an email confirming your attendance

:smiley: :smiley: Shameless Plug :smiley: :smiley:

This is going to be a really FUN game. We have run this scenario twice before and it has always been well recieved :smiley:.

Warning: this game is co-authored by Alista (mostly) & I. We are probably QWs most experienced writing team, and are inspired by such literary luminaries as Monty Python, Sheckley, Fritz Leiber, the Goons and Saturday Morning cartoons.

If you only make one of our weekend games this year, this is the one I recommend you don’t miss (mind you, who know what else we have coming up).

Addition to plug:
I played in this game in the last round. It will be an interesting journey for those lucky few brave adventurers who undertake it, it will be daunting, it will be ODD, you will if unlucky face an unfortunate fate.
Emmerge from it successful & be rewarded.


Hey people,
Just plugging the upcoming game again! This will be a lot of fun! Also pointing out that in Quest, people that are crewing (read playing “monster”) gain game experience for there efforts (to be used for your regular character).
Because Quest games are an experience in themselves.
We also have rewards for good roleplaying and good costume.
Come along!

EDIT: PS If you want to play in this game please contact Telpe or Alista.
If you have strong desires to play your character in this game then let them know ASAP, especially if you don’t have one created.
On the flipside if you WANT to crew (play “monster”) then you also need to let them know ASAP. Cheers

The evil writing dou have put their heads together on this one and we are going to have some really fun characterisations for ‘monsters’ :smiling_imp:

( Note: in Quest, if you are not the party, you are a monster - even if you are, say a human, a fairy or a god).

I’m playing [size=150]MONSTER[/size]!

the terible duo Heath and David will be playing.

see you sunday.

ps xp for my last game please i have a character i really need to update :blush:

Game completed: Most details removed as this module is secret as it has been repeated before & can’t be divulged.
End result, party survived & got out sucessfully. Myself and my cohorts rollicked around dispensing an invigorating classical refreshment. The jokes were both good and terrible at the same time.

Just remember people that played… next time this rolls around, you get to play MONSTER and inflict terror and confusion on the unsuspecting party.
You’d be MAD to miss it.


[quote=“Jared”]Game completed: Most details removed as this module is secret as it has been repeated before & can’t be divulged.
End result, party survived & got out sucessfully. Myself and my cohorts rollicked around dispensing an invigorating classical refreshment. The jokes were both good and terrible at the same time.

Just remember people that played… next time this rolls around, you get to play MONSTER and inflict terror and confusion on the unsuspecting party.
You’d be MAD to miss it.


I don’t know Jared, I can’t memorize a whole opera in Yiddish…


Imagine for a second that in my previous post I said:

Are you thinking what I’m thinking Alexcia?

Thanks again to the Orklanders for coming down and making for another memorable game, especially Alexia & AJ, cheers, a smashing time was had!


Congratulations to all those that took part in Gobo Hunt 7.

I can tell it was a successful module as I received OOC death threats within 30 minutes of the start of the game. There was confusion through out the park. I think this was a direct consequence of having two quantum physicists writing the module. All the players played their roles well and everyone except the Gobo won.

Highlights for me

My butterfly being scragged by the cat.

The evil dragon type creature was cool.

The party continually hiding.

The Golem type thing was cool as were the refreshing beverages.

Well done one and all. We are now working on Gobo Hunt for some time in October.

did any one find my sanity, I lost it during the game

But the Gobo did win. Kind of.

Everyone won. Yay.

As to the missing sanity, was that the squishy thing on the ground near the illusion? I think the cat ate it.

oh well least it finally had a use, cat food

If you really want it back, it may be in the hairball I hoiked up just out-side the compled conjured gate. :blush: Interplanar travel does not suit the feline digestive system, and having the psi function collapse at the same time was rather uncomfortable to say the least!

If anyone want to know what the **** the cat was talking about, wiki the following:

  • Schrodinger’s cat
  • Complex conjgate.

If you want the imaginary goblins explaination again, let me know.

I have sent Alista all the photos and hopefully he will have them up in the QW webpage soon (hint hint Alista).

EDIT: ok the photos from this and the last module are now up on the QW website: questwaikato.com/Home.html

Who would have guessed the King would turn out to be a Goblin? Even to a mad man its a crazy world, what with Queens that are Queens & sword wielding weirdo’s popping up out of nowhere and spilling my tea. Still they helped my companions out of a jam so they can’t all be as bad as a jaberwock.
Whats that Rabbit? Two virgins & a catapult?
For a start where are we going to find real live virgins & how would that help us?
Time for tea…

Strange as it seems, the above post makes total sense to me. I suppose you had to be there.

there goes my sanity again, must learn to hold on to it better

[quote=“Jared”]Who would have guessed the King would turn out to be a Goblin? Even to a mad man its a crazy world, what with Queens that are Queens & sword wielding weirdo’s popping up out of nowhere and spilling my tea. Still they helped my companions out of a jam so they can’t all be as bad as a jaberwock.
Whats that Rabbit? Two virgins & a catapult?
For a start where are we going to find real live virgins & how would that help us?
Time for tea…[/quote]

It was a Trebuchet, and I’m HARE, not rabbit, and you are right, Hatter. Virgins are in short supply these days… We could fling them at the Opposition, and hope it’s enough of a distraction to run away?


Indeed, Tea. Tea for three… with Tarts.