What were your favourite 33AR moments?
For me I think it was probably the raft trip across the lake. There was no pole, and we had yet to find the paddles, so Lily, Ivy, and Flint were rocking the craft to propel it forwards. Ivy and Flint were exchanging banter about Flint’s rhythm, or lack there off. After quite some time, we had yet to make it to the other side, so Zek headed across the rope bridge to help us, getting his shoes very wet along the way. In the meantime those left behind on the shore found the paddles and threw them across the divide. The way back was mostly uneventful, but when we got to the other side all the Gypsies jumped off, taking the paddles with them. Zek was left behind as the boat floated back out into the middle of the lake. We were on the shore laughing hysterically at that point. Someone threw a paddle out to Zek, but it landed about halfway between him and the boat. I threw the second one, and it almost hit him in the head. The boat wasn’t that stable, and I think he got even more wet. When he got to shore Zek was dubbed “Paddles”, and we started telling the stories of Paddles and the mighty Kraken. Which sometime on Saturday night turned into “Paddles and the mighty Quaken”, when Lily was forced to admit mild exaggeration, and turned the Kraken into a pair of Demon ducks.
Other favourite moments were locking the doors after everyone had been pulled back into the Taverna on Saturday night, then realising that everyone didn’t include Jack. Lily looked out the window and saw Jack being carried across the lawn by two demons. She ran out after him, with at least one gypsy following. We managed to save him, then not long after it happened again. We had just pulled everyone back inside, only to look out the window. The two non-gypsies Lily cared about the most were lying on benches being eaten by Zombies. Lily felt really picked on by that point, and really angry that Jack would put himself in such danger 2 times in row, after only just finding out he was alive the night before. I went at the zombies around Jack first. I was conscious of how that might affect Aura, but it was Jack. He was raving mad, so I started circling him and chanting to break possession.
Dancing and singing with Violet, and others who joined in, was amazing. It made the whole gypsy thing feel more real.
Sleeping in the Taverna. Taking a nap Saturday afternoon and waking up to Chris’ bird demon making a mess of the place. I thought for sure I was a goner when I realised I’d left my staff outside (Lily now sleeps with it.).
Ivy’s near death experience.
The forest folk.
All the gypsy drama. Being so overwhelmingly concerned about Jasper after he found out what had happened to him Friday.
The marriage joke between Ester and Jasper. When Steph told me she wasn’t sure in character or out of character whether we were serious I was lost for words and almost fell over laughing (sorry Steph )
The madness of the murder suicides on Sunday afternoon.
I loved a lot of things really.