Favourite moments

What were your favourite 33AR moments?

For me I think it was probably the raft trip across the lake. There was no pole, and we had yet to find the paddles, so Lily, Ivy, and Flint were rocking the craft to propel it forwards. Ivy and Flint were exchanging banter about Flint’s rhythm, or lack there off. After quite some time, we had yet to make it to the other side, so Zek headed across the rope bridge to help us, getting his shoes very wet along the way. In the meantime those left behind on the shore found the paddles and threw them across the divide. The way back was mostly uneventful, but when we got to the other side all the Gypsies jumped off, taking the paddles with them. Zek was left behind as the boat floated back out into the middle of the lake. We were on the shore laughing hysterically at that point. Someone threw a paddle out to Zek, but it landed about halfway between him and the boat. I threw the second one, and it almost hit him in the head. The boat wasn’t that stable, and I think he got even more wet. When he got to shore Zek was dubbed “Paddles”, and we started telling the stories of Paddles and the mighty Kraken. Which sometime on Saturday night turned into “Paddles and the mighty Quaken”, when Lily was forced to admit mild exaggeration, and turned the Kraken into a pair of Demon ducks.

Other favourite moments were locking the doors after everyone had been pulled back into the Taverna on Saturday night, then realising that everyone didn’t include Jack. Lily looked out the window and saw Jack being carried across the lawn by two demons. She ran out after him, with at least one gypsy following. We managed to save him, then not long after it happened again. We had just pulled everyone back inside, only to look out the window. The two non-gypsies Lily cared about the most were lying on benches being eaten by Zombies. Lily felt really picked on by that point, and really angry that Jack would put himself in such danger 2 times in row, after only just finding out he was alive the night before. I went at the zombies around Jack first. I was conscious of how that might affect Aura, but it was Jack. He was raving mad, so I started circling him and chanting to break possession.

Dancing and singing with Violet, and others who joined in, was amazing. It made the whole gypsy thing feel more real.

Sleeping in the Taverna. Taking a nap Saturday afternoon and waking up to Chris’ bird demon making a mess of the place. I thought for sure I was a goner when I realised I’d left my staff outside (Lily now sleeps with it.).

Ivy’s near death experience.

The forest folk.

All the gypsy drama. Being so overwhelmingly concerned about Jasper after he found out what had happened to him Friday.

The marriage joke between Ester and Jasper. When Steph told me she wasn’t sure in character or out of character whether we were serious I was lost for words and almost fell over laughing (sorry Steph :wink: )

The madness of the murder suicides on Sunday afternoon.

I loved a lot of things really.

hmm, quite a few…

The Gypsy tavern in general was pretty amazing.

That moment when all of the zombies came shambling out of the dark, then surrounded us and started banging on the windows. That one’s staying with me.
Followed by a few people making loud noises of front of the door so that the fighters could sneak out the back and destroy the demon summoning circle.

The conversation between a Gypsy and Xebulon 5
"So does Professor Goldcrest just keep you around to stroke his ego?"
“Processing… processing… processing… affirmative.”

Agnes Fletchers insane cheerfulness about killing her own family.

Mr Fletchers mad ramblings.

The odd chalk notes that kept popping up everywhere, hinting at plot points.

Delivering the mail. It was usually bad news, and seeing peoples reactions was fun. I think the best one was when I got to read the letter out loud to the illiterate peasant, revealing to everyone that Sabina had burned her last fiancé to death.

All of the weddings.

The mad inventions of the Union of the Gear, including a holy sprinkler system, an improved demon cage, and trying to give Xebulon 5 a french accent.

And many, many more.


You lot were a total pleasure to watch as a GM, both players and crew, but some highlights

Getting half-hourlyish radio updates (as a safety-checking mechanism) from Russ as he method-roleplayed the final, bushwhacking, leg of Zek’s journey to the Skye camp on saturday morning, my favorite was “yeah, just fell down an embankment, got a fair bit of mud on my pants, feeling fantastic!”

Zombies on saturday night seemingly materialising out of the darkness off the deck of the taverna. I knew the plan for the night and I was still a bit creeped out by the crew’s performances.

Mel’s minor demon character encountering Orpha and Francesca’s holy water sprinkler system, getting frustrated by the nasty burny water, and throwing her mace at Orpha and Father Wilde before storming off back into the woods in disgust.

Doing a GM-sweep-to-assess-the-situation in the immediate aftermath of the excitement. I hear a lot of loud wailing from the back of the taverna and see the gypsies all crowded over someone who’s convulsing very nastily, this turns out to be Ivy-who’s been something of a demon chew-toy. Father Wilde was later called into the back room to give advice on treatment of her bite wounds and the concern from both her “family” and her Comerade-Captain Blake was really great.

The discovery of the human sacrifice victim on sunday morning was another highlight to watch. The immediate response of “okay, keep her parents back a bit, we need to clean her up a lot before they see her” and the semi-frantic grabbing of grass to cover up hopelessly large bloodstains were awesome, as was your short funeral/body-burning ceremony later. You guys were, like, buying into our world and taking it seriously! :stuck_out_tongue:

Shortly afterward, quite a few of the players decided to wander to the lighthouse, so we had some bandits planned to be encountered there. Once the tavern is left quietly occupied by only a few characters, one of them armed (I think), I have the following exchange over the radio:
“How’s the bandit forecast?”
“light at the lighthouse, very heavy at the tavern”
I’ve made the mistake of having my radio volume turned up a little bit high, so two players overhear this, there’s a rapid conflict between their in-character and out-of-character knowledge, then they panic and run to recall some fighters.

as an additional note: I’d like to point out that far more people were killed this weekend by other people than by demons. I could say that this was planned as part of a thematic tone of “well humans are just as bad as demons” but really I put it down to having so many tragically-inclined campaign newbies along. We look forward to hearing about your new characters for the second session :smiley:

So many to choose from!

-a poor NPC running into the camp, complaining that bandits had stolen his pants.
-Villager turning up trying to discover which one of the gypsies had impregnated his sister.
-“I put my hand on her…Yo Ho.”
-The bandit campfire.
-New catchphrases: “Bowl of TOAST!” and “Gypsy Yum.”
-Zebulon 5. Best NPC.

-the defeat of the demon circle. My husband (see WTF moments below) stood over my fallen body, protecting it, as I frantically tried to break the circle. Around us, in darkness, the battle raged on.
-the murder-murder-suicide-suicide which killed off 3 PCs and one NPC. Don’t ever say to a serial killer “I bet you can’t kill me.”

WTF (moments that were awesome but confusing.)

  • Everyone seemed somewhat unconcerned about having a serial killer in their midst. Until she started killing people.
  • HOW DID MY SERIAL KILLER CHARACTER END UP WITH A ROMANCE PLOT. I mean, it was fantastic, but I wasn’t expecting that at all.

Thanks to the GMs, the amazing crew, and the other players. Come down, join in, it’s a good time.

oh yes, also, the body-burning party returning to camp just before lunch to be told “well, you found a lot of dried blood on the grass and quite a few scuff marks, but no bodies…” and the way they visibly paled as they realised what would be happening after lunch :smiley:

Wow. Too many favourite moments.

Funniest has to be the rafting incident exactly as Adrexia explained it, it was a nice comedic counterpoint to some of the emotional stuff that was going on.

Scariest was the fight on Saturday night by the airship (abseiling) tower. It didn’t seem like we were having much of an effect on the demons or their summoning circle. Then when I all but stumbled over Sophmelc (playing my characters just separated wife) before someone stabilised her enough that I could drag her back to the taverna for medical help. The subsequent scene between some of the finest roleplayers I know will be one of the highlights of the campaign for me.

There were too many moments of heartbreak to go into but thanks to those involved they know who they are. I think it really helped that I genuinely felt like I was part of a family of gypsies and that really helped the character through those tough times.

It was also super special to have my real life birthday celebrated as part of the event, plus it meant more Gypsy Yum for everyone! Thanks to Nick and Hannah for arranging that :slight_smile:

I was really taken aback by the number of really amazing crew performances this weekend too. Donna and Idiot as the heart broken Mother and Father was so touching and played perfectly. Ellen as the twisted gypsy seer who’d tried to ruin as much as she could for our pack of Gypsies, jump to my mind.

(Will add more as I remember them…)

Confusion as to why Agnes was allowed to survive - lol. Ganking her body.

Violet and Lily dancing.

Bonfire! Also - we should bring in a bag of wood or two for next time

Realising there would be fresh zombies after lunch. Epic.

Saying “oo was that tactless of me?” over and over

Realising what bastards the rest of the Society folk tended to be. Ouch!

Threesome with Jack and Lily. Denying it happened the next morning - black out!

Actually managing to feel both drunk (sugar high?) and hung over on cold tea.

Agnes in conversation about killing her people. Nicely played psychopath.

Failing to bond with two significant plot characters to my character because she is so blindly snobby. Eventually she will wise up and get a clue. Thanks to Lily and Esther for being such good friends

Being chowed on by zombies. <3 zombies.

Best O shit moment - asking a demonologist to back me up as I charged in to kill cultists. Looking behind me to see Charity running in the other direction as the demons came at me.

I think i’ll always remember the Tavern when I could have easily Nom’d Naomi but purely didn’t see her till she darted out!

Respawning behind Zebulon 5, knowing that OOC PC’s could see me, but IC they couldn’t. I don’t know how long we’d have kept going, if we hadn’t gotten faster at respawning (which was designed) and there hadn’t been any gibberish about “master”

Taunting the PC’s on saturday night as demons - Knocking on the door to the food hall and have Jon open it up, while I call out “One for Dinner!!” The look on your face!

I would have loved to have seen the zombie shuffle from the woods, I could barely see people in front of me in the dark as we tried to get to the “spawn point” From the back, all I could imagine is the look as we all came out, something perhaps akin to one of the last episodes of “the walking dead” when they are at the farm.

This was my first attempt at NPCing a large larp. Although sometimes it was tough to look different, I certainly felt that we impacted a few characters plot lines & not specifically how they expected it.

The conversation between a Gypsy and Xebulon 5
"So does Professor Goldcrest just keep you around to stroke his ego?"
“Processing… processing… processing… affirmative.”


Goldcrest has MANY fine qualities. Modesty is not one of them :smiley:

Man where to start…

Finding out that the “seer” who forced me into marriage with my sister’s lover did it just for kicks… and then getting angry and cutting her throat. (don’t mess with a gypsy’s heart)

My whole gypsy family, especially the fantastic brother/sister dynamic with Leaf (aka Norm) and my oh so tragic marriage with Flint (aka Bryn). Not to mention my divorce ceremony turning into some sort of entertainment for the forest folk.

Trooping around in the beautiful surroundings, trying to find something we had no idea about what it looked like. And all the banter, so so much banter. Specially mention again for the raft scene, Paddles and the Quaken.

Seeing the zombies emerge from the darkness and rushing to the back door to make sure they didn’t sneak in.

Creeping into the darkness with Lilly to spy on the demons and cultists and then getting trapped outside with them!

The epic battle, and Ivy’s stupid idea of trying to sneak into the summoning circle and killing the cultist before they knew what happened. Only to be cut down and used as a demon chew toy. Oh and then being dragged back into the battle and accidentally stabbed by her friends.

The oh so full on will she won’t she death scene. A massive thank you to my little sister Moss (aka Hannah) and Flint for being so great. Violet for trying so hard to keep me alive, and Jasper for coming to comfort me with his dead daughter’s music box.

Finally the post near death experience drinking with the forest folk and making all sorts of new friends.

Low point, needing to leave early on Sunday and missing out on the rest of the fun.

Ugh, I don’t think I can count Ivy’s rescue as a high moment, I was too in character and freaked out that she might die :~( and feeling like I should give her space with Flint and Moss and going out on my own and feeling emo.

The whole battle at the summoning circle was amazing though. It was so dark and confusing and I was like ‘why am I here, I can’t fight!’ but being called to heal people over and over was awesome, and chanting in the faces of demons so they couldn’t touch me with my warded tambourine XD It was epic and intense and I was so glad when Charity appeared and was all right.

Going on a couple of walks with Charity and trying to break through her shyness and sense of what is appropriate to whether or not she was actually Hermes XD

Dancing and singing with Lily. Need more of that next time! Less demon attacks, more dancing.

I can’t believe I got through the whole weekend without being hired…

The scene with the girl who had been turned on Saturday afternoon, Donna so convincing as a desperate sister and me just about crying because nothing I did seemed to help. Lucky for me Nick was there to haul me back when she got attacky or I would have been bitten several times.

Getting to sing a couple of times <3

My gypsy clan, so much support and love even if it felt like I was the last to know things XD

My gypsy clan, so much support and love even if it felt like I was the last to know things XD[/quote]

Well someone had to be the last to know I guess :smiley:

It’s alright sister, I was always the last to know too! Even the whole demon blood thing…

Nope. Norm didn’t find out about that at all in character. :smiling_imp:

Fluffy thought you smelt soooooo gooooood… mmmm, demon blood!

Fluffy thought you smelt soooooo gooooood… mmmm, demon blood![/quote]

Solution: the demons eat each other! :smiling_imp:

I actually think it was because Fluffy wanted to mate with him :wink:

And then you’d have had some angry demon NPCs turn up and demand to eat whatever gypsy impregnated their sibling.

Well, the gypsies did talk about their duties to insure there is another generation… they were willing to concede on the half-blood issue in the interests of preventing in-breeding. Not sure that stretches to non-humans though. I feel there might be some bad blood to sort with the demons before we could agree to such a thing. :wink:

Also, Jasper would just play the dead wife card.