Favourite moments

‘Fluffy’ trying to convince me to give him lollies was also pretty funny. The desperately waggling claws!

I’m confused… you’re talking about this plotline like it would be a bad thing… :confused:

Oh! When Zeke was running around super excited.
“Why this man so exicted?”
(and my my favorite moment was the look on Father Wildes face as he is forced to explain) “He’s figured out how to bless water”
"Why this a big deal? We Gypsy’s, we’ve been blessing water for all time."
And Father Wilde sighs “Yes. Exactly.”

Oh! That explains that then. I thought he was mad to be so excited about blessing water. I thought for sure he had discovered the holy grail of holy water, and wasn’t just excited by making plain old holy water. :laughing:

He was a holy water researcher. You’de think being able to successfully bless water was an important part of that

  • The rafting incident was hilarious.

  • Sneaking out to observe the summoning circle on Saturday night and then ambushing the demons with Leaf from out of the darkness once they’d passed by. It was nice to have the element of surprise on our side for once!

  • After being disarmed of my great sword by Scott demon on the Saturday night, him stepping back and allowing me to reclaim it. “That’s very sporting of you” I respond, only to then have Ellen demon leap on me from behind while I was distracted. “That’s not so sporting!”

  • Almost losing Ivy in the climactic fight against the cultists. Feeling in the way and useless as my friend convulsed on the floor was pretty painful.

  • The entire love square with Flint/Moss/Ivy, the three of them were all amazing. It was a seesaw of emotions throughout the weekend, capped off with bliss of having Moss accept my marriage proposal. Big Fat Gypsy Wedding for session 2!


  • The entire love square with Flint/Moss/Ivy, the three of them were all amazing. It was a seesaw of emotions throughout the weekend, capped off with bliss of having Moss accept my marriage proposal. Big Fat Gypsy Wedding for session 2![/quote]

First rule of LARP, the happiness never lasts :smiling_imp:

I can be happy for the next six months at least killjoy! :slight_smile:

Zek has learned a valuable lesson: When you’re using someone else’s non-standard blessing, particularly one in a language you don’t speak, for god’s sake ( :stuck_out_tongue: ) check the pronunciation first!

goodness me, a Royal Birthday and a Big Fat Gypsy Wedding next session. We’re going to have so much fun!

So, so many. But off the top of my head:

Going for a walk with Nik to the flying foxes before the LARP properly started and getting drenched by the rainwater that had collected in the tire. It was cold and unpleasant and some of it got in my mouth. It also didn’t stop me from going on them again the next day, knowing that the same thing would likely happen- Those are awesome flying foxes, dammit!

Trying to convince Agnes to give up her sword without sounding like I was trying to convince Agnes to give up her sword. Esther loathed Agnes to the point where it made her sick to look at her, but out of character, I found her to be one of the most entertaining parts of the weekend.

Meeting the cultists! Who knew who I was! Dun dun dun…

Hanging out in the gypsy tavern and bonding with Jasper over similar ahem issues.

Jack taking a liking to Esther and giving her a few American goldpieces when she mentioned that she’d dropped her coin purse while rescuing Agnes from Bedlam, then Jasper promptly trying to steal the North Family Fortune from her.

Getting a letter from the uncle who raised Esther and who’d disappeared eight years ago which said nothing but “I’m sorry” on the envelope.

Esther’s twelve-hour marriage to Jasper! I didn’t realise that a man tying the ribbon on my dress around his knee under a blanket could cause so much drama. I’d established that Esther had been in the process of rejecting a very awkward marriage proposal from a man she didn’t like very much when demons started pouring into London, providing her with the perfect opportunity to end the conversation, so this was quite a busy weekend, matrimonially.

The ten or so times that people jumped to the assumption that Esther and Artemis were a couple; the best of which was when Moss said: “You have two husbands now?”

Proposing to Artemis after a long-overdue emotional discussion about his and Esther’s feelings for one another and Esther’s reluctance to marry anyone out of fear that the increased proximity that would result from marriage would put them at risk of getting hurt in one of her fits, and Artemis convincing her that he thought she was worth it. Deciding to go ahead with it since they both knew that neither might live through the day and they wanted to spend the rest of the time they had left togehter.

Listening to the Tale of Paddles and the Quacken.

Arameus pulling a gun on me. Pointing out that I had just as much right to be in the tavern as anyone else. His response that he had just as much right to pull a gun on me as anyone else. Jack stepping in and agreeing that yes, he had as much right to pull a gun on Esther as anyone did- Which was none.

Healing people on the battlefield. It was so satisfying to watch fighters continue to defend us due to my medical skills.

Getting pulled in as Sabina’s maid of honour for her marriage to Elias, who owned a strangely fluctuating number of sheep.

And of course, “Bowl of toast!” It’s still popping into my head and making me giggle.

See, Jasper was so quick to react with the sword we’ll just never know now… at least not until Fluffy III turns up :smiling_imp:

I’ll try to capture some moments, but wow, there so many little things that pop into my head, some too difficult to describe without paragraphs of back story and internal monologue.

Spending a significant amount of time just wandering around staring at Lily after being told she was still alive, out of an in-character combination of lack of belief that she could be there, and being unsure how to approach someone you thought was dead. Noticing a similar reaction from Lily, and discovering afterwards that she thought she was seeing a ghost. The awkward way we reacted to each from then on, leading someone (Violet? Moss?) to suggest that we should stop talking and just have sex.

“Paying” for Lilly just because it was amusing to do so because of Leaf. Jack’s “session” with Lily being interrupted by Aura already in her underwear.

Giving away gold dollars to people and seeing their reactions to that and my “it’s just coin, t’aint worth much these days”

Gunslinger geekery with “Lucky” Jack & the Frenchman

Zebulon’s mechanical combat style and regular patrol path.

The line of zombies approaching across the field in the darkness, hesitating slightly as they hit the warded perimeter, and then continuing on.

Lily laying into the horde of demons around Jack’s prone form with her quarterstaff

Becoming “brother-in-arms” with certain members of the combat fraternity, most noticeably Artemis, such that by later in the event we were just trusting each other without questions or explanations, which lead to :

[ul]Artemis, the Van Helsing, gravely returning Jack’s sword to him after the attempt to remove his hand. The weight of meaning in the look he gave, i.e. “you’d better make sure I don’t regret this”

Artemis taking the Nurse (sorry can’t remember IC name) and myself from the story campfire after hearing a scream, and then shadowing Esther and two others back to camp without them noticing us.
The laughter in the taverna, around many things including puddles and ribald songs

Jack managing to support his designed-in reputation of being a good gambler without assistance from game mechanics, by winning the dice game the first night and being one of only two people to have money left at the end of the card game the next day. The other being Orpha, who admittedly had more money , but Jack was still well up on his starting stake.

The aforementioned “brotherhood-of-arms” bitching to each other while on patrol duty about how no-one “in charge” was properly organizing the defenses, with us ending up basically organizing ourselves.

Being treated as an invalid, and “distracted” from doing anything silly or dangerous by a certain healer. Largely because of an OOC decision that in my wounded disorientated state, my hand would automatically try and get back to it’s brothers, by opening the door to them.

Watching Ivy being brought in half dead. Wanting to do more to help Lily during that, but not feeling part of the family enough to dare closing in.

The IC rush of elation, power, decisive, and desire to go into battle immediately I felt when Jack’s sword was returned to him by the Samurai.

Seeing many wonderful character performances by many different players, such as the parents of the dead girl, and the people who told stories around the fire.

and finally, Gypsy Yum!

Oh, how could I forget the corner? The corner that Jasper and Esther spent Friday night fighting over, and which he told her she couldn’t sit in anymore on Saturday night because she was a married woman now. Sure that he was making that rule up just to mess with her, she asked permission from Moss to go into the back room, and damn well sat in that corner.

The next morning:

Esther: Jasper told me that I couldn’t sit in the corner anymore because I’m married to you now. So I sat in it, just to prove that I COULD.
Artemis: Yeah, that sounds like you.

My favourite moment had to be finally figuring out how to operate holy water on my own terms. It was great seeing everyone look so confused at his excitement (and I did overhear the curious gypsy wondering why he was squealing with delight). I don’t think it ever became properly apparent to anyone that Zek was blessing water with his own incantations, rather than something the Church had written. And of course, by that point Zek was too hysterical to care.

That said:

Playing cards with everyone at various points - the entertainment moments were great, and it was fun to just be in character, without necessarily having to be chasing after any goal in particular.

Declaring, to Esther’s great delight, all the words to ‘The Elephant and the Balloon’.

Being thanked by the gypsies. OOC, you guys put together quite a formidable group in that first session, and I always felt like I was about to come muscling in on some plot where I wouldn’t be welcome. So to have Zek invited, even for a brief moment, to be near that was really quite special.

Planning with Sohini to have her holy water, blessed in Bengali, to backfire. Which then precipitated her madness and my crisis of faith. It’s fun lighting fuses!