I had an idea that could improve on the vocal call mechanic that is used to represent firearms in games like Stargate and Serenity.
We construct a programmable electronic clip that has simple digital display and can be programmed with the following data:
- How many rounds it holds
- How many clip instances it represents (i.e. your character buys 4 clips of ammo, but actually walks around with just the one clip).
- Chance of successfully hitting a target (this would likely be a combination of how much the firearm cost plus a skill rating).
- How long it takes to reload a clip.
- How long it takes to load a round into the chamber.
It would have some buttons (such as the trigger and reload buttons). A GM would be able to alter this data if you buy more ammo or give you mate a couple of clips, for instance.
It would be able to display a count down and it can display a single number (such as rounds left). It can play simple sounds.
Here’s how it would work:
The GMs would load the clip with the data for your character: rounds per clip, clip count, chance of hitting, clip reload time, round reload time.
The display shows how many rounds are left in the current clip.
You get into a gunfight.
- You name your target
- You pull the trigger. If the shot was successful, a gunshot sound is heard and you name your damage. If unsuccessful, a different sound is heard.
- The display will flash while it displays the round reload time left.
- When the round is loaded, the display shows how many rounds are left in the current clip.
- When you want/need to reload, you have to pull the clip out of the firearm and press the reload button.
- For one second it displays the number of clips left, then the display will flash while it displays the clip reload time left.
- When it reaches 0 you can load the clip back into the firearm
- Any clip can be programmed to behave like any weapon, you just need to make a physrep of the weapon that you want to use.
- Avoids the expensive aspect of electronic firearms - how to detect if a firearm was successful in hitting the target, damage etc.
- Characters can have a meaningful firearms shooting skill (this could vary from weapon type to weapon type by GM data modification)
- No projectiles - safer and can’t lose the ammo.
- I have no idea how to do this, but I could probably write the code for it.
- Unlike the pure vocal mechanic, would require some investment
Thoughts ?