Chimera Costume Chatter

Not that I’m saying I did just pad out a waistcoat* with the underwired cups of a vivisected bra. I’m saying nothing of the sort. :unamused:

I have most of my kit together, with awesomely baggy britches for Snow White and a very Nice Hat.

The Friday night game is awsomely easy to costume. Everything else is pretty much done, 'cept I could do with another layer for the Jade Empire game if I have time.

Anyone else with stories they’d like to share or not share or simply tease us with?

  • Somebody gave me some pillow covers. They were satiny and stripy. Don’t judge me.

I’m feeling a lot better about the satin flares I just cut out… :open_mouth:

The jacket I’m making for Gordian Knot: I may have overextended myself on it, since I found and downloaded a free John Galliano pattern. 3 pages of A0 paper covered in bizarre shapes most of which bore little resemblance to anything I recognised as parts of an item of clothing.

I cut out each and every one of them over the course of two hours round at Bryn’s house. Every time he saw me sitting on the floor, surrounded by mutant strips of paper, he started laughing.

Started trying to assemble the thing last weekend by trying to work out how it all fitted together. I lost Joker’s sympathy when he found out that it didn’t come with any instructions, and quickly realised that this was not a sewing pattern. It was a jigsaw puzzle straight out of the heart of Rl’yeh, designed to bring on a psychotic episode. At that point, I changed tack, and decided to use only the 3 pieces (of you don’t want to know how many bits) I recognised, and fudge the rest together.

And it actually looks halfway decent, though isn’t finished yet. Two lots of sari offcuts, plus denim and blue satin. With Renaissancey sleeves!

But those mutant jigsaw pieces are still looking at me from the corner of the room, silently mocking me.

well friday night i wanted to look the part for my first ever larp (ive written that is) so i have hired a Smoking Jacket to really give that Vincent Price look

Sat moring going grungy greaser monkey for star wars so i got my camo my boots and gruby vest mabye a few banadanas here and there :smiley:

Sat afternoon i wanna keep that one a suprise its very cool

Sat night Gordien Knot try and think what an evil Han solo would look like then put sliver crow make-up on him … ill be 10 times cooller then that :smiling_imp:

Sun morning well just your classic Private Eye pants shirt tie and wasitcoat hat and long coat oh and shoes of course

Sun Afternoon … pretty much the same as Sat morning as im playing yet again the Private Eye of the game lol :open_mouth:

lol Thanks Tazzy D

Quite a few saturday slots you have there… Can I borrow your time machine after you?

I just spent my lunch hour in the Auckland City Council Chambers sewing silk flowers into a lei. Given how little progress I made in a half hour, I predict it’ll take 6 hours to finish this.

… I know what I’ll be doing on my lunch hours all this week I guess.

Luckily I only have one major costume (just as well with all the other stuff I have to do), but it’s proving to be fiendishly difficult.

The necklace of skulls is sorted, and looks awesome - turns out it’s way harder to thread skulls onto a piece of string.
Currently working on the skirt of severed arms - pool noodles are amazing. They look scarily realistic, I’m looking forward to painting them :smiley:

I have no idea how I’m going to fit this all into a suitcase…

I really look forward to seeing your costume, Daphne!!

It is going to be EPIC! I’m so excited!

I so dare you to do what one usually does when the clothes won’t fit in the suitcase, and wear the costume on whatever transport you’re using to get to Motu Moana… :stuck_out_tongue:

Haha, that would be incredible - unfortunately said transport is a plane, and I will be boarding it with about 50 people from my med class on our way to a week of community learning stuff. Somehow I think wearing multiple arms and severed body parts isn’t going to go down so well…

To a Med School trip? I think it would go down fantastically! :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

Going on an Op-Shop scour this weekend. Hopefully that’ll result in some nice new costumey stuff, and then I can plan out what else I need to track down for the rest of Chimera.

Or you could just hand parts out to classmates as “samples” or somesuch to carry up for you. Could make for an interesting newspaper headline…

And now, with two weeks to go, I’m feverishly trying to finish the lacey ruffley capelet thing I’m knitting for my costume for Circus of the Spectacular. My flatmate found me sitting on the floor outside the bathroom using my yarn ball winder at 7.30am. Her reaction: “Of course. Why wouldn’t you be doing that at this time of the morning?”


(I have cleavage. But not a lot, alas. :cry: )

To date I’ve made 5 helmets/headdresses for other people and am now working on a headdress for myself.

My eye is so fine-tuned to look for little wisps of dried hot-glue that I’ve started spotting them in pictures of professional made costumes!

It’s like “Where’s Waldo” for larpers.

[quote=“amphigori”]To date I’ve made 5 helmets/headdresses for other people and am now working on a headdress for myself.

My eye is so fine-tuned to look for little wisps of dried hot-glue that I’ve started spotting them in pictures of professional made costumes! [/quote]

On that topic, there’s a larper (nboyce) asking about acquiring gold circlets up in the Gear section. Any tips?

Lucky you. I just see the flaws in my own stuff. :cry:

If they want a metal one, no. I’d have to look on the internet for something.

They could make one out of craft foam but I’m only just new to this medium so don’t have advice other than: get foam, get glue, get paint and go for it.

Hey I am newbe to this and am a bit confused as to what to wear in regards to formal wear in cyberpunk is? :cry: could someone give me a site to look at or let me know what sort of costuming i would need for that please. Thank you