Chimera 2012 - Favourite/Funniest Moments

I was amazed nobody else had started one of these yet, so here you go!

My Wall-of-Text will be coming later once I’m suitable caffeinated but a lot of my favourite moments were short and silly moments. Like Ben in his Cheshire Cat costume singing “It feels like I’m wearing nothing at all! Nothing at all!” I don’t know why that made me grin as much as it should have.

What were your favourite and funniest and proudest and all the rest moments from this year’s INCREDIBLE convention?

Will have to UN-ZIP all brain contents later. ALL OF THE MOMENTS!

Oh there’s so many moments that were so good out of a great weekend! A couple of things that spring to mind-

Quest into the forest of Darkness- Three of us crew had been sent out to go harass the players as tentacle monster demons. They saw us and bolted for it and we chased them down howling and screaming.

The black run of Happily Ever After, Lion and Goldilocks had just slipped into Oberon’s room, had a fossick around and snuck back out. We thought we’d escaped notice when all of a sudden hand falls on shoulder ‘What were you doing in that room? How did you get in there, hm?’ the Wizard (Rob) pounced on us and proceeded to interrogate us.

On the Sunday morning when I had finished suiting up as The Monster Under the Bed- the reactions I got from Judit (who was across the table from me while I was getting ready and happened to look over just as I’d gotten everything into place and later when I snuck up behind her in character and drew my claws down the back of her neck) Anna (when I wandered in to show her the costume since she’d been egging me on to scare the bejeepers out of her sister) Rob (who made the mistake of having his back turned) and from everyone else when they realised who was underneath all the fur, hair and red-eyed mask.

Then at Into the Woods watching Hook (Fraser) in tears and slowly walking away into the woods at the end of the game while his monster Peter Pan sank to her knees crying and calling after him.

My favourite moments? When all the awesome players in all the games I ran did awesome things, and made the games go so much better than I ever dared to hope.

Wall of text to come later, no doubt. :smiley:

Game 1: Governer’s Dinner Party
I absolutely loved the romance plot that my character had. Linda did such a good job of playing Fern, always keeping the game rolling for me and being the love of Paul Flinns life.
The entire Flinn family was really fun to play with as well. I particularly enjoyed trying to impress Fern’s father while getting my family to accept her.

Game 2: Stars over Strangeways
Oh wow, I felt so much pity for Rob’s character. He was such a kind old man and It was a real tragity what had happened to him and his memory. I especially felt terrible when I tried to exorcise a demon out of him, holy water, shouting and all. Turns out he wasn’t possessed after all. Oops…

Game 3: Galaxia 20
This game was just a ridiculous amount of fun. To all the people who treated my Murray like the annoying kid he was, thank you. It just made it all the more special when people started approaching me and telling me they believed I really did have psychic powers. In one game I started as a kid just finishing his first LARP, and ended up playing a pivotal role in saving and alternate reality. “PSYCHIC BOLT!!”

Game 4: Happily Ever After
This game was amazing. To be honest, just seeing everyones costume absolutely blew me away. It was so wonderful see all the twists and turns people had taken to make these stories come to life.
In game though, there are just too many moments to count. There were the macabre conversation with the pied piper, sending of other character to do my dirty work for me, people consistently approaching me with gifts and ‘packages’ for jobs (seriously, the thieves guild was awesome, I almost feel bad I kept selling them out…) and anonymous accompanying me back to wonderland for all sorts of fun and hijinks after the gates had been closed.
Seriously though, there were just so many moments ,I couldn’t possibly write them all out here. Thank you everyone for making this game spectacular.

Game 5: Heart of Darkness
Aaaahhhh. So many zombies.why won’t they die!!! Loved the teamwork and the brotherhood of all involved. So very intense, but very fun.

Game 6: Of Pestilence and Petri Dishes
Oh geez. Just thinking about this game makes me sick. In a good way though…
I loved Monica filling her mouth with whipped cream when she spoke. Very cool and incredibly repulsive.
Also to everyone getting excited about my ‘brilliant’ ideas. Chicken pox + leprosy = zombie apocalyse. :smiley: It was all great until depression told me it wouldn’t work… :frowning:

There were so many awesome moments. Thankyou to everyone for the amazing games!

Oh god, that. thinkhappythoughtsthinkhappythoughtsthinkhappythoughts…


There was a tear in many an eye watching this for sure!

Sooo many

Silver Kiss: Where to start? The chaos of humans running around and finding enjoyment at dancing and generally having a fun time going invisible. Well done for most people keeping a straight face while I did that. My demon partner Andrew H for having heaps of fun with gossip and generally spreading fun and cheer as demons while our angel counterparts killed people and were generally depressed.

For Those In Peril: Spreading rumors about a passenger after i found out he got a girl pregnant and my character was sooooo in love with him. Revenge was sweet. The comment by the GM’s “The titanic tips to one side” and everyone responding with moving to the other side of the room when the GM’s said “Not that much!” and we all backed up a few paces as if it never happened!!!

Seeker’s Regret: When Galaxia 20 came storming through the portal and I suddenly remembered I was meant to be in there game and got transported here. Trying to explain Larping to 1918 steampunk people who knew me as a girl that helps out a bit around the village. I worked in IT. couldn’t really do much in the 1920’s.

Happily Ever After: People commenting on my awfully fabulous orange dress and blue hair and eyelashes. Took a bit for people to recognize me. Gave up on my goal of getting back at Cinderella after making her tell the truth, no-one hearing and being silenced for the next 5 mins, until freddy as Puc said he wanted to cut things so i told him to cut her hair off! Having the dare with the Jack’s to make people drink, eat or put on those hats. I finished with 11 people i think i won!

Sabertooth: Getting trashed with my fellow roadie and security guard, after completing my goals really early on! Sherbet is very sticky and does sting your nose!

Pestilence: Being wonderfully yellow, watching people at lunch double take, make jokes etc etc. I got away with making penicillin putting all the blame on other people, no-one except the people that knew before game finding out i was smallpox, listening to my obituary and trying not to laugh, becoming weaponized, and getting myself kicked off the 5 diseases the WHO was going to get rid of just because syphilis became the 1st horseman of the Apocalypse!

Loved it this year!!!

Funniest moment for me was in Sunny Valley, playing the Priest.

Being asked by the dancer to hear her confession in the back room.

5 minutes later, moans of “Oh God!” and “Shhh, shush!”

The door opening and the entire town seeing the half naked priest and dancer going at it.

Someone commenting “I guess that’s why they call you Father…”

The amount of times that the lot of us burst out laughing in Steampunk Alive was somewhat memorable for me. And oh the breaking of the forth wall. And someone managed to convince Rothchild to build a train track from England to Australia. At the moment my mind isn’t to up for remembering much else so my favourite moments will be coming out in stops and starts.

Funniest moments:

Talking in character to the girl playing Robin in Silver Kiss (I’m sorry, I never found out your name), and trying to claim that my costume was cool, while she was pretending that she agreed. I was struggling to keep a straight face at that point.

Pretty much the whole of Aunt Beatrice Began was a laugh for me, except for some of the stuff with my daughter and grandson. It helped that it was basically appropriate for me to just laugh at Beatrice in character. Although I’m not sure that was really intended to be such a comedy game as it ended up being.

And I had a little bit of a laugh in my head to myself at Vanya’s bored rich kid NPC in Working Quarter when he was suddenly gunned down by Belt after having tried to take her around the corner.

I’m sure there were some other great funny moments, but I’m afraid I can’t remember them.

as it says on my facebook=

[quote]this weekend…i got high at scouts and kissed a boy
i was part of the French revolution and saw the prince shot dead
i travelled to a steam punk 1918 and then travel back to 2012 and got engaged to a Russian guy
i kissed my daughters husband and spent three hours looking at myself in the mirror
i sniffed and pile of coke and got laid with an entire rock band in 1979
and at the last moment, i f**ked a priest because i was a demon from hell.
what did you do this weekend?

on a more personal note, most LARPers know ive got major depression, this weekend, and today, ive been pretty much happy, and happiness is not a feeling i have had for a very long time.

In the Steampunk Great Train Robbery game.
When we’re looking out the window and wondering how long the trip will take and how fast the “train” is going, when suddenly someone walks by outside dressed as a tree- and we all broke out laughing- now that’s an awesome Special Effect!!! :laughing:

My favourite moments… hmmm… so many. Tops would have to be when we were about to bury Maverick (Derek) who had finally stopped respawning ( due to some strong Indian Juju) and a very drunken widow darlington (Hannah) asked if we could cut up his body , because her poor children were starving… it was awesome. When I convinced LIon Grylls to pluck up his courage and challenge a knight, the wonderful dance/fight he did was classic OZ, The mexican standoff in the back room of Camp David, and the look on Norman’s face when he found out that I had given missiles to the Cubans for just some information about my wife and a very nice cigar.The looks on people’s faces when we discussed killing all the 2012 Galaxia Larpers as a sacrifice to appease the Shadowbeast , and then turning into the Shadowbeast myself and draining them all… some good times indeed… many more great moments too…

Sunny Valley was definitely a great high to end the Con on. Unfortunately it’s highly spoiler-able so I can’t say too much about what was going on. I guess I’ll just have to say thanks to everyone who wasn’t sleeping with my husband (actually everyone was great) and thanks to Cheryl for writing a really cool LARP.

Right, as promised earlier, here’s my Wall-of-Text.

First off, the mayhem that was The Alcove pre-Chimera was wonderful. Suitcases piled wherever there was space, costumes being assembled and worn and people dancing on the backs of seats. Then the bus ride to Motu Moana itself, with a 2 metre long spear and plenty of singing was memorable.

Running The Governor’s Dinner Party again on Friday night was very interesting to see how it developed compared to the last game and I think hardly a single thing went the same way! Standouts include Allen’s cockney trader diving into a portable portal just to see what’s on the other side, the sleazey first mate of the Iron Rose (played perfectly by Jonathon) chatting up two girls at once, and of course Ben as the Governor’s son Paul Flinn leading an expidition (dubbed afterwards The Scooby Gang) to investigate the dead corpse of the Airship Pirate in the dungeons. Patch, you were perfect as Dr D.N. von Kinzig and I hope you didn’t take too much damage when you broke the window with your head.

I was looking forward to 32AR already, and the game itself was even better than expected. Monica, Serena and David, you were all superb to RP with - special thanks to Serena for putting up with my squeezing her hand so tightly whenever she tried wandering off into the demon-infested forest. The highlight of the game was Gaffy’s Commander collapsing into our shelter, clutching my father’s gas mask as the only thing left on this green earth of him. Well done you daft old bugger for saving the day and getting the rotter responsible too. In the end I managed to see my mother survive (with Demon-Baby alive and possibly less demonish), find out I had a sort-of half-sibling already and sail away with my Airship Pirate Lover. Awesome.

A huge round of applause to the GMs of Galaxia 20 and Seeker’s Regret for possibly the best-kept secret of the entire game. I honestly thought after the mysterious portal appeared that we were going to be sucked into the game-within-the-game, and it didn’t click right up until I stated up the steps leading to the back door of the room Seeker’s Regret was in. A massive twist and one that threw almost everybody involved off their game. The best part was realising that the ring I was to propose with was missing somewhere in Steampunk 1918, and it looked like one of the Seeker’s Regret characters had it. Attempting to get it without alerting my girlfriend was a challenge, especially when they kept talking about it right in front of her! I’m still annoyed I left my jacket in a parallel dimension.

Happily Ever After was wonderful. Everything about this game was brilliant, even if my plans went nowhere. Playing in a mask without glasses may not have been my wisest decision, but I hope I left enough people creeped out. With nothing going my way I opted instead for just causing as much trouble as I could, and I like to think I did that well. My favourite moment was when Princess Alba was asking for help while invisible, as the Black Knight had been sent to kill her my Princess Scarlett. After agreeing to help her, I immediately skipped over to where Princess Scarlett was and pointed out where she was, and also letting her know she was invisible. Score for Team Chaos, sorry Luisa! I regret that I was unable to Rick Roll the game during any tense, climatic reveal.

Then the beach in the evening was a great way to unwind, especially as I had never been before. It was mostly socialising with some of the most awesome people I know, with some daftness thrown in but I’m pleased to say that Robza and I proved that the Scottish and English can be friends, provided they prance around on a beach at 3am.

After far too little sleep, it was off to run Alpha Alpha Asgard, and honestly I could not have asked for a more perfect game. From the very first minute you all made it so much better than I had ever hoped for and I apologise for sometimes being unable to GM properly as I was too busy cracking up laughing at your antics. Thanks to each and every one of you for going with it all, I still can’t believe that Poseidon managed to seduce Odin and capture the entire thing on camera! I definitely cannot wait to run it again.

Finishing off the weekend with Pestilence and Petri Dishes and first I have to thank Hamish so much - you are a beautiful, beautiful man for providing all of us with free energy drinks at the end of an exhausting weekend. I had far too much fun being the sleazy, slimey Common Cold, eyeing up and flirting with all the girls there just for the sake of hoping to score a quickie with more than a few of them. Joining the Revolution in case I needed to take it down should you provide a threat was a great moment too. Worst (or best!) moment was when I strolled out, arm in arm with Measles for a discrete romp only for her to later come up to me and say she thought I may have been her father! I was so glad to discover that she wasn’t, but I was still able to get the Mother-Daughter combo in the end. Proudest moment of that game however has to be delivering a brief rundown on evolutionary theory in a cockney accent not once but twice!

However, my favourite moments of the entire weekend had to have been seeing the two games I co-wrote come to life. Everyone who played in The Governor’s Dinner Party and Alpha Alpha Asgard, you made the convention for me and I thank each and every one of you for it. Dave, my co-GM, you are a brilliant person to work and plan and scheme with, and I can’t wait to get started on the next one. What do you think, God-Emperor von Kinzig?

Well, I can’t let Martin show me up now, can I? So I’d better write something too…

Not having any classes on Friday made things easy. I could get packed on Thursday night, sleep in on Friday morning, print out some character sheets for World’s End, take a leisurely trip into town to pick up some stuff for AAA from Martin in the Alcove, make my way home again, then head out to Chimera. Obviously, things didn’t work out quite so well, because they never do. I managed everything okay in the end, though, and even made it into the Alcove for a bit(where, yes, everything was as insane as Martin had told me). Anyway, eventually everything was sorted, and I made it out to Motu Moana for about 6.

It was great, catching up with everyone I hadn’t seen in ages, and discussing what lay ahead for us all during the weekend. And then I got to re-run Governor’s Dinner Party. Seeing it go so differently to last time was awesome, even if some of the broad strokes were still there (They managed to strike up a peace treaty, although no one needed to threaten anyone with a stick of Hate ‘n’ Lightning!). One of my favourite moments was when Martin came running up to me and told me that Allen had jumped into the Bag of Holding to see what was on the other side, and I got to put on my best Derangement Santa Hat and describe exactly what was on the other side- and it wasn’t nice! Kirsten, playing our NPC Fairy, sowed a delightful amount of chaos, too. Despite being the “In Character GM”, I still didn’t really have much idea what was going on, so will have to find out from everyone else what they did.

The next morning (after far too little sleep- catching up with friends leads to much too late a night!), I got to run World’s End with Vanya. I’d never run a game with Vanya before, and it was an excellent experience. There’s a reason his name badge just read “Game Writing Wizard”. The game went even better than I hoped, with awesome roleplaying from absolutely everyone involved. Particular standouts though were Chris and Juniour, the Mayan Wonder Twins with their “Spirit Questing”. I got to wander around, handing out (LARP safe) drugs, alcohol and visions to people. Eventually, everything descended into violence eventually, and then Mark became a God and doled out punishments and rewards as he saw fit. I don’t think anyone was expecting that.

Saturday afternoon bought Seeker’s Regret. And, of course, Galaxia 20. I sure as hell didn’t see that coming. I now know exactly how it feels to try “Herding Cats”. Desperately working with my assistant and my partner (who I was trying to figure out how to propose to) trying to first send our visitor, and then a horde of confused, time-travelling LARPers, back to their own time zone. And then there was the trouble with the terrifying Shadow Beast, who we had to figure out how to defeat. Encouraging Ben’s 12-year-old to charge at the monster while he shouted “Psychic Bolt” at it made me feel a little bad, but hey, it seemed to be working. And in the end, we herded all the cats into two separate rooms, defeated the shadow beast, cast the rituals properly, and got everyone back to their own time (or, at least, the time they wanted to be in.) And I got the girl! All it took was promising a bit of equality.

Happily Ever After was probably my favourite game of the convention. I got to be Creepy, Charming, Sinister, Angry, and Schemey. And a few other things. Wandering around the place, twirling my pipe between my fingers, making offers and demands and deals, politicking, romancing and just generally trying to either make things better for me or worse for others. I worked so hard to get the gates closed, and eventually it happened, giving me a fine monopoly on travel. That, combined with a blossoming romance with the White (formerly Black) Crow, who knew everything, and a friendship with the new Lord Summer, left me pretty pleased with how things ended for The Pied Piper. Go Team Fae! Another favourite moment was the incredibly polite, incredibly sinister conversation with the Cheshire Cat. I don’t know if there was a creepier conversation had that night, but if there was, I’m glad I missed it.

After the game, I headed down to the beach for a fine evening of socializing with some wonderful people. I had some great socializing down there, and, of course, got to watch an intoxicated Englishman and Scot prance about the beach.

And then came Alpha Alpha Asgard. The game I was most worried about. I wasn’t sure if it would work out how I’d hoped, if the players woudl have enough to do, if they atmosphere we were going for would work. I shouldn’t have worried. It was almost perfect. From the moment the game started, right up until the Dean stormed in at the end, only to be seduced by Odin and Poseidon, everyone was amazing. I can’t wait to see how the next run of it turns out.

And finally, there was Pestilence and Petri Dishes. The supplying of energy drinks was a beautiful touch, and kept me conscious for the game. And what a game! Playing the old, arrogant racist was a lot of fun, especially because I so rarely get to play a villain. Complaining about young people, ranting about not being respected, lying through my teeth about who was working with the WHO, and, of course, being an absolute arse to the serving staff. And getting to bail Swine Flu up against a wall with my cane until he stopped running around making a nuisance of himself was marvelous, too.

And now I’ve written entirely too much, so I’m going to wrap it up. Over on Facebook, I’ve made my thanks, but some do just bear reiterating.
First, thanks to Martin and Vanya. Writing and running games with you guys was a lot of fun, and incredibly satisfying. Martin, we need to get started on the next one asap.
Secondly, to Anna. None of this would’ve happened without you, and I can’t thank you enough.

And that’s what I did with my weekend.

I really enjoyed watching the tournament - this is how I imagined it lol. As you can see, there are one or two people whose attire was quite fun haha

And I massively enjoyed the hungergames.

I got through the first half of the game by having quite a large alliance (thanks guys for not killing me). But after I lost track of them I knew that in order to survive I would have to hide. So I sat just above a path, with trees to my left. A large number of combatants/mutants/beasts ran past, but none ever turned to see me :slight_smile: it gave me a pretty good idea of who was still in the game. So I survived to be the last of two players, and an electrical field swept me back to the start to take on Scott in one on one combat xD and of course, he won lol. Combat is not my strength x) but it was great fun :slight_smile: and definitely my favourite over the weekend. Thanks Zara for running it :slight_smile:

There were many awesome moments.

In ‘The Governor’s Dinner Party’ I had a fantastic time as the NPC faery stirring up trouble. Unfortunately that seemed to upset the poor Governor; I can’t think why, as it really livened up his party! And I even got my necklace back from the Great Adventurer without having to use any powers on him at all!

In ‘For those in Peril’, unfortunately I wasn’t feeling so great (I’m coming down with the lurgy now, so that was probably the start of it) but ended up having some good roleplay once I’d defrosted a bit over a heater. Lord Waning (Malcom) was awesome on the other side of a doomed romance.

In ‘Happily ever After?’ well, nothing worked out and the potential romance was doomed from the start but Saskia was a fantastic evil sister and I had a lot of fun with the Wonderland characters (thieves, druggies, dealers, double agents and those were just the sane ones who weren’t cursed) and the others I interacted with.

Alpha Alpha Asgard; what can I say? I had immense amounts of fun in the most disgustingly cutsie pink costume imaginable. Though there were many awesome moments, Herja’s one was when Alviss punched out Poseidon; gasp My Hero!. Unfortunately she couldn’t ultimately avoid the seduction, but was spared the sight of Dean Heimdall in the endgame, having snuck off with her Nice Guy. (Finally a larp romance that actually worked out! Stephen, you were awesome)

In Steampunk Alive; the Great Train Robbery! Allen as Baldrick and Jon as the Australian had me cracking up for at least half the game; then there was the tree walking past the window! (Who was that?!) I also rather enjoyed taking a firearm from the dimwitted Lord Rothschild, turning with apparent indifference to a four way stand off and calmly shooting the bad guy - Smyth WAS a secret agent, after all.

And then sometimes real life throws you a curveball that just couldn’t be scripted. The cringe-mkaing moment of irony that will stay with me for some time comes from Friday night when, on behalf of Dave and Martin, I gritted my teeth and approached Anna to say, “Firstly, I assure you that no-one is actually injured, but you know how you said about nobody putting their head through a window…yeah…”

(Congratulations(?) Patch on beating Vanya into the Incident Book)

And then it was Sunday morning, and I suddenly realised it was almost over! This weekend went so quickly, what with all the activity and fun! Apart from getting allergic reactions from something in Saturdays lunch, and one of the plants in the hall for the flagship, it was a spectacular weekend that I wish I had more of.

Round 1, The Governor’s Dinner Party as The Governer, Lord Flinn:
I played the Governor, who spent most of his time attempting to keep the ambassadors from each other’s throats, as well as making sure my children did not elope away from their mother who was attempting to force them both into marriage with people they weren’t particularly keen on. Some of the best moments included;
[ul][li]Plotting with David Harrop for the good of the British Empire against and with both ambassadors at the same time,[/li]
[li]Convincing my daughter to stay with the family and finally getting her to talk to the man she was to be engaged to,[/li]
[li]Trying to talk the uninvited fae visitor into playing nice with the guests, and not exactly succeeding,[/li]
[li]Getting my son, and heir, engaged to a local girl under the condition that she take finishing school, and then having her father turn to me and say that my son must get to know the locals better, and spend a year living with him in his house,[/li]
[li]Having two people die in the “dungeon” below my house, both from very awkward circumstances,[/li]
[li]Finally defeating the great evil Dr von Kinzig for the third time with the help of a surgical laser from the future that I “acquired”.[/li][/ul]

Round 2, 32AR - Gateway to Hell as Crew GM and Many Demons:
I was one of the three GM’s who ran this game, and my time was spent organising the crew and joining them in harassing the players. Some of the amusing moments include;
[ul][li]Screeching to signal the beginning of an attack, and hearing afterwards about how it scared the players,[/li]
[li]Taunting the players, and having them taunt us back,[/li]
[li]Getting so tired from trying to keep the players from getting to the Gate that, when they finally got through, it was because we were too tired to stop them (you guys and girls were determined),[/li]
[li]Hearing about what the players got up to during the game during the debrief, and seeing how different it was to the first run (at Hydra),[/li]
[li]Being told by both some of the players and the crew that they had great fun, and after the con when some of them told me that it was the best game they had been to all con.[/li][/ul]

Round 3, Galaxia 20 as David Kent (in-character disorganised GM):
This game, and its crossover, were full of some very fun meta stuff, and some very neat ideas. The players in the Galaxia run really bought out their LARPer archetypes really well, and played them with great dramatus. Some of the greater moments include;
[ul][li]Being set upon by my in-character co-GM about how she had missed the finale of the campaign she had worked so hard on (this just so happened to be for actual OOC reasons, but it was exactly the type of thing my character would have done to hers, so fitted perfectly),[/li]
[li]Awarding the players and crew with trinkets I had bought from Mr Ching’s Antiques, and watching as we were sucked through a mysterious portal, while being asked what the hell was going on, and being congratulated for the special effects, simultaneously by different characters,[/li]
[li]Walking up the pathway to another LARP location, and being told by our OOC GM to be quiet because another LARP was going on, and at that moment realising what the two GM’s of the supposedly separate games were actually doing,[/li]
[li]Trying to contain my excitement at the realisation of what was going on from my fellow players who had yet to realise the trick,[/li]
[li]Bursting through a portal into alternate reality steampunk 1918 and seeing the reactions from the players in the Seeker’s Regret,[/li]
[li]Having my character lose it after realising the time dilation, coupled with his loss of job, and impending doom of getting kicked out of his flat, had probably already happened back in the “real world”,[/li]
[li]Realising that our guns and ingame skills from the fictional campaign could hurt the Shadow Beast, and then attempting to become god by writing new skills for the hyper 14 year old. (turns out this might have worked if I had written Shadow Beast, instead of Demon, as the skill description),[/li]
[li]Not being the only one who had kept their trinket at the end of the game in an attempt to get back to the alternate reality.[/li][/ul]

Round 4, Happily Ever After? as The Punk;
This was probably the game I had the most fun playing in. I always enjoy playing Trickster characters (Loki and Puck are notable ones), and this was made so much more enjoyable by having some great roleplayers to interact with within, and without, the faction I was in. Some of the most memorable moments were;
[ul][li]All the times I didn’t have to introduce myself, because Puck is the most famous trickster of all (much more so than that has-been Leshy, or those small-time Jack’s),[/li]
[li]Flirting bluntly with all the ladies Puck wanted to bang (or had been with already),[/li]
[li]Voting for myself to be the next king of summer,[/li]
[li]Skipping and dancing with Titania,[/li]
[li]Having my honesty be bought with magical objects and magic itself (I had a pocket full of insight cards used on me by the end of the night), and in that fashion, having people trust me because of it,[/li]
[li]Getting with the Black Crow,[/li]
[li]Finally finding the magical lamp, but only after it had been used for the day already (and to cure the White Rabbit of his venereal disease, at that!).[/li][/ul]

Round 5, Heart of Darkness as The Medic (corpsman/LT):
Admittedly, I didn’t expect to be running around the forest twice in one weekend, so this game thoroughly exhausted me, but it was great fun to throw character personality to the wind and immerse myself in a zombie tactical shooter.
Some of the best moments included;
[ul][li]Getting swamped by zombies every time we attempted to hold a position,[/li]
[li]Opening supply crates to find that, if not all, then definitely the majority of, our expended ammo had been picked up by the zombie crew (seriously, thank you guys and girls so very, very much for picking all of this foam up from the grass and in the bushes),[/li]
[li]All the adrenaline and energy of my comrades as we yelled, ran, and fought our way all across Motu Moana.[/li][/ul]

Thank you to everyone who was a part of making this Chimera happen, it was such great fun!