Chimera 2011 - Flagship

The Chimera Team is pleased to announce that the 2011 Flagship will be written Joel Williams, and his team of Derek Tomes,
Malu Fink, Hannah Jackson, Joseph Parker and Nick ‘Tetrajak’ O’Keefe. The genre will be space opera, with more details forthcoming soon.

YAA~AY!! >.< I are so pleased!! xDDD

Hold on a sec… The CHIMERA Team had a meetin’ already?! :open_mouth:

Ohhh Space Opera… the final frontier, a galaxy far far away etc. Exciting.


w00t! Looking forward to it.

Is it going to be a pulp game?

I’m interested in the tone and approach too. Will the space opera be light-hearted, serious, both? Will it mash up existing fictions (possibly with serial numbers filed off), or use an original setting?

Although it is very early days, I think it safe to say that since we are writing for a 100 person (+/- 20 people) that there will be a mix of some lighthearted themes amongst the more serious topics to engage with. The setting will be original, with groups of different peoples inspired by various TV shows, movies and books.
We hope people will put effort in costuming their race well, although there will be a range of costuming levels available. Our aim is to give players ample time to do this. As in previous years we will be publishing a questionairre to endeavour people get something they are happy with.

the team looks good i sincerely wish you guys the best of luck… i hope you don’t all go insane :slight_smile:
more insane i mean.

I look forward to it.

Hm, on the questionnaire will it differentiate between costume and makeup (when asking what level of complexity one is comfortable with)? I’m pretty confident in my sewing ability but have no capacity for alien makeup and whatnot, so I’d hate to put down “give me something complex!” and end up with, like, a Klingon.

Time Lord, however… :wink:

We will be differentiating between costuming and make-up, to make sure that we cater for everyone.

Here we go folks - questionnaire time… If you are at least 75% sure you’ll be attending the Flagship Larp for 2011 Chimera then please MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!!! And since we live in a Democracy we (The ST team) shall only skew the results slightly to our preferences and give you at least a veneer of what you asked for - and you know what you’ll know this and not care and want more!!! (Now that my anti-political rant is over I give you…

The Link - Long missing, now found… … ations/new

If you are a user of Larpwriter please do not be logged in when using this as I believe it messes it up…

Once you have completed the questionnaire we will start to be able to draw up a map of people’s preferences and align them with plotlines and genres. Trust me people there is a plan…

Pass the link on to anyone else who will be playing but doesn’t use Diatribe (but really who are both those people?).

See you aboard the Flagship.

Yay! I have filled in the questionnaire.
I’m not so keen on Sci-Fi as an overall genre, but this has helped get me inspired. Looking forward to the game!

please check this box to indicate that you accept all the conditions of participation

It would be nice to have a link to those. I’m wary of foreign websites information-handling practices.

[quote=“IdiotSavant”]> please check this box to indicate that you accept all the conditions of participation

It would be nice to have a link to those. I’m wary of foreign websites information-handling practices.[/quote]

From where we sit, creating the registration questionairre, that check box is a part the cannot be edited. Although I interpreted it just as being accepting the stuff we wrote about. ie we got to set the “conditions of participation”. As far as I know, this is the first time someone in NZ using Larpwriter has tried out their built-in registration. If I am wrong, and other Larpwriter users / more tech savvy people can comment, please do so.

If you really don’t want us to store your information on the Larpwrite database, but would like to have your say, then I suggest you copy and paste and the questions and email it to our google address (cos storing it on google is ok isn’t it :wink: ) Our preference is for people to use the Larpwriter form, as it is much easier to integrate into the whole Larpwriter system.

Also, I’ve had a brief read through the forms we have got so far. Interesting. It seems there are some books out there I will just have to read. I can recognise a Duty when it comes my way, and I will undertake this harsh calling for the team. :wink:

Its more just my general distrust of website terms I can’t see. Though as the FaceSpy incident shows, even ones you can see mean squat. American companies will sell your info, even if they have contracted not to :frowning:

Its more just my general distrust of website terms I can’t see. Though as the FaceSpy incident shows, even ones you can see mean squat. American companies will sell your info, even if they have contracted not to :frowning:[/quote]


I’m Florent from Larpwriter. That’s a legitimate concern. I run Larpwriter on my free time, on a volunteer basis. I will never share or sell, any personal information, I hate also such practices. I really mean it, especially because sometimes medical info are asked in this registration form. I’ve tried my best to secure the server and its data.

I had written this (I’ve just updated it to take into account player’s data), it was linked from the bottom of the homepage but not form the registration, clearly it was missing, so I’ve just added.

Feel free to ask if you need to know more.

Thanks :slight_smile:

Thanks Florent for your response. It’s good to know these things.


(And sometime I really should write a larp in larpwriter - it looks like a very useful site)