Working Bee: Trailer Park

One of the requirements relevant to the $5000 grant provided by the Lions Foundation is that we have a permanent place to park the trailer.

I persuaded my mum to let me put one in at her place.

I’ll need a hand to do this as we need to clear the area of weeds and junk and then prepare a pad on which the trailer will park.

Lunch will be included, and it’s a kid friendly environment.

Date: Saturday 6th October

Start: 0900

Finish: circa 1300

Location54 Rehia Road, Massey

Can you please post in this thread if you can commit to helping.

If you can bring any earthworking tools, that would be great.



Count me in.

I ain’t skilled, but I kin fetch’n’carry.

I might be little, but I can follow directions.

Thanks AJ and Malu for volunteering.

However, I need more assistance. This is an effort that will benefit the entire nzLARPS community. Your help would be appreciated.

I be there to pitch in

Keen to help but can probably only do a couple of hours.

All dependent on whether I can get there and how my schedule is closer to the date. I’ll be there if I can.

No worries. Any and all help is appreciated.

Want to help but can’t commit at this stage.

I am hoping to make it, most likely with Julianne.

But Juliannes birthday is that weekend and not sure yet what our plans are.

It looks like Tigger and I can make it for a few hours.

I’d love to help, but I start work at 8pm the night before and finsih at 6am, then back at 8pm Saturday night again. :frowning:

Everything is in place for the working bee. A couple of cubic metres of scoria, wheelbarrows, some instant concrete, drainage pipes, lumber, a stack those concrete things you use for carparks and bunch of willing helpers.

All we need is a fine day…

Actually, no. The bee will take place rail, hail or shine. If it looks wet, bring a raincoat.

Bring gardening gloves if you have some.

Cya there on Saturday.

That went well! Thanks to Mike for organising that, and a big thanks to Mike’s mum for a) letting us use her property and b) a really, really nice lunch!

As Anna says, we successfully created a trailer park :slight_smile:

Big thanks to Gareth, AJ, Anna and Tigger for mucking in for the morning, and to Ryan for his time-constrained by highly focussed beavering.

Ta muchly.

Thanks guys, sorry I couldn’t make it along this time. Glad to hear we have a trailer park now!

Bring on the trailer park larps.

The trailer has arrived :slight_smile:

I’ll be picking it up in the weekend.