Wellington Venue List (Revised, updated, and wiki'd)

A user-created list of possible larp venues for Wellington and surrounds, updated from Tetrajak’s original here. It has been divided into halls (suitable for theatre-style games), camps (suitable for outdoor / live combat games), and other / dream venues (e.g. trains, fancy historical stuff etc).

This post has been set to wiki mode, so people can add to and update it (and if you find somewhere cool, please do!). When adding to this list, please follow the format.

Brooklyn Community Centre (18 Harrison St, Brooklyn)

Description: Hall, lounge, and smaller meeting room
Capacity: Hall 100, lounge 20, RSA room 10
Accessible? Yes - has ramps and wheelchair facilities
Cost: Hall $18/hr, Lounge $14.75/hr, RSA Room $12/hour
URL: http://brooklyncommunitycentre.org.nz/
Contact: coordinator@brooklyncommunitycentre.org.nz or (04) 384 6799
Notes: Defibrillator on-site

Vogelmorn Hall (13 Vennell St, Brooklyn)

Description: Nice wood-panelled hall
Capacity: Fits a 60-player game quite happily
Accessible? Maybe - has ramps, not sure about bathrooms.
Cost: $18/hr
URL: https://vogelmorn.nz/
Contact: Jana Grossmannova (vogelmornbc@gmail.com) or call 021 189 6985 (mornings).
Notes: NZLARPS gear is kept onsite, so easy to set dress

Petone Community House (6 Britannia St, Petone)

Description: 1 largish room downstairs, 4 of varying sizes upstairs. We usually use Room 6 (upstairs) or 3 (downstairs)
Capacity: Room 6 fits a 13-player game with GMs. Room 3 should fit a 20-player game.
Accessible? Downstairs only.
Cost: $25 for up to 3 hrs or $50 for the day (commercial rates; we can probably get community ones)
URL: https://petonecommunityhouse.nz/room-hire/
Contact: office@pchouse.nz or (04) 568 7798
Notes: Day-pricing makes this an excellent option for long events or running multiple small games.

Innermost Gardens (31 Lawson Pl, Mount Victoria)

Description: Hall with outside community garden
Capacity: Should fit a 30-player game, but limited car parking.
Accessible? Unknown
Cost: $50 for half-day or evening, $100 for full day.
URL: http://www.innermostgardens.org.nz/
Contact: innermostgardens@gmail.com
Notes: No longer available for one-off events.

Northland Hall (126 5 Woburn Rd, Northland)

Description: Large hall, lower hall, upstairs meeting room
Capacity: Bigger than Vogelmorn.
Cost: Unknown.
URL: http://www.northlandcommunitycentre.org.nz/
Contact: bookings@northlandcommunitycentre.org.nz or 04 475 8511

Vogelmorn Bowls Club (93 Mornington Rd, Brooklyn)

Description: Former bowls club with multiple rooms on two levels, adjacent to public green.
Capacity: Would fit a 60-player game quite happily
Accessible? No.
Cost: By negotiation, but was $300 for a 7 hour hire for the whole thing.
URL: https://vogelmorn.nz/book-the-building-2/
Contact: vogelmornbc@gmail.com
Notes: NZLARPS gear is over the green, so easy to set dress

Huntleigh Guide Centre (44 Silverstream Rd, Crofton Downs)

Description: Hall with meeting rooms, kitchens, and native bush
Capacity: Hall sleeps 30 (see below). large meeting room seats 100. Two smaller meeting rooms
Accessible? Unknown
Cost: $80 for a morning or afternoon or $100 for full day, plus $40 for an evening. Overnight hire $11 / person.
URL: https://girlguidingnz.org.nz/venues/huntleigh/
Contact: huntleighwn@gmail.com
Notes: Overnight hire means everyone tents or sleeps in the hall. May make a good location for day games.

Brookfield Scout Camp (562 Moores Valley Rd, Wainuiomata)

Description: Scout camp with 3 halls, various smaller spaces, bunkrooms/cabins, plus fields and bush.
Capacity: Sleeps over 100. Fletcher Hall can fit a 60-player game.
Accessible? Partly. Halls have ramps, but most bathrooms are not accessible.
Cost: Exclusive hire ~$2000. They’re nice to larpers, so plan to pay them in full a month in advance.
URL: http://brookfield.org.nz/
Contact: brookfield.camp@xtra.co.nz or (04) 564 1000
Notes: used by Hydra and Embers; used to larpers; some gear onsite.

Camp Elsdon (18 Raiha St, Porirua)

Description: Campground with 2 halls and bunkrooms/cabins, adjacent to reserve
Capacity: Sleeps 90. Dining hall should fit alarge game.
Accessible? unknown
Cost: Unknown
URL: http://www.campelsdon.co.nz/
Contact: info@campelsdon.co.nz or (04) 237 8987

Camp Wainui (203 Coast Rd, Wainuiomata)

Description: Camp with halls, bunkrooms/cabins, and native bush
Capacity: Sleeps over 100. Largest hall might fit a 40 player game.
Accessible? Unknown
Cost: Unknown, but lodge complexes are $250/night, so exclusive hire for a weekend will be at least $2000.
URL: http://www.campwainui.co.nz/
Contact: campwainui@xtra.co.nz or (04) 564 5305

YMCA Kaitoke Outdoor Education Centre (184 Marchant Road, Upper Hutt)

Description: Camp with halls, conference rooms, bunkrooms/cabins, and native bush
Capacity: Sleeps 173
Accessible? Unknown
Cost: $25 / person / night. Halls and kitchens cost extra, and there is an additional $2,000 sole-useage charge for groups of less than 130 people. Complete pricing
URL: http://ymcawellington.org.nz/homepage/y-camps/communitygroupsfacilityhire/
Contact: camp@ymcawellington.org.nz or (04) 526 7338
Notes: Very expensive

Turnbull House (11 Bowen St)

Description: Heritage building with several large rooms
Notes: Currently undergoing renovation. Will advise when available again.

Minoh House (38 Normandale Road, Normandale)

Description: Heritage house / conference centre
Capacity: 45 seated. Small game?
Accessible? Maybe
Cost: $100 / half day; $200 / full day. Bond required for evening social events.
URL: http://www.huttcity.govt.nz/Services/Book-a-venue/Small-venues-and-other-spaces-for-hire/#Minoh%20House
Contact: Form
Notes: Only ground floor available for hire.

Silver Steam Railway Museum (Reynolds Bach Dr, Upper Hutt)

Description: Railway carriage
Capacity: 28 seated
Accessible? No
Cost: $195 for 135 minutes (exclusive train hire); extra people at $14 per person
URL: https://www.silverstreamrailway.org.nz/
Contact: Form
Notes: Also offer charters / general venue hire.

Matiu / Somes Island

Description: Hall, two houses, and campsite on an island in the middle of Wellington harbour
Capacity: Sleeps 28 (2 x 8-person houses plus 12 max at campsite). Hall seats 30.
Accessible? Probably not
Cost: $200 / night per house, $105/day for caretakers cottage, $13/night for campsite.
URL: https://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-go/wellington-kapiti/places/matiu-somes-island/?tab-id=50584
Contact: wellingtonvc@doc.govt.nz or (04) 384 7770
Notes: Accessible only by scheduled ferry, at $12 / person each way. DoC reserve, used by other people during the day.

For people looking for outdoor venues suitable for one-day live-combat games, there’s a guide to the tracks and recreation areas of Wellington:


For people planning set layout for games at Vogelmorn, here’s a rough map to scribble your plans on:

(Not shown: stage stairs at front)

Current venues in Lower Hutt [PDF]:


For people looking for outdoor venues suitable for one-day live-combat games, there’s a guide to the tracks and recreation areas of Wellington:

That link’s gone dead, does anyone know if there’s a new one?

I don’t, but the text at least is on the Wayback Machine:


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