Wellington AGM 2023 nominations

The NZLARPs Wellington Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held online on Tuesday 26th September at 6:30pm (just before the National AGM).

Aside from administrative reports, a major function of the AGM will be to elect the new committee for the Wellington region. Nominations for the positions will be accepted in this thread or by emailing wellington.secretary@nzlarps.org.

Nominations must be put forward and seconded by current NZLARPS members. Please note that the nominee does not need to currently be a member, but must be by the time of the AGM.

The deadline for nominations is Sunday 17th September (to allow time for sending out electronic voting forms). Information on electronic voting will be sent when nominations close. Nominees must also accept their nominations by this time.

Due to electronic voting, we will not accept nominations from the floor.

Any other motions are welcomed to be posted here or via any other means listed above.

The positions up for election are:

  • Regional Director
    Responsible for overall running of committee and society for the region. Promote the vision of the society, chair committee meetings, work for consensus in the committee. Attend meetings as regional representative of the society. Co-ordinate with other regional directors and Society President to ensure cooperation across the country in advancing the aims and visions of the society.
  • Regional Secretary
    Keep all club correspondence in an organized fashion. Send letters as required. Send reminders of meetings to committee members. Take minutes at meetings and distribute to committee members. Communicate decisions made by committee to members.
  • Regional Treasurer
    Responsible for society finances. Keep general ledger to track society expenditure and income. Pay all society accounts. Bank money received. Advise on availability of funds for projects and committee initiatives. Distribute budgets to project owners and receive repayments. Pass accounts to society accountant to be registered with the government. Present financial report of current position at committee meetings.
  • Regional Equipment Officer
    Responsible for society-owned equipment. Organize for equipment to be stored, cleaned, repaired, and made available for project events. Keep records of where equipment is kept. Advise committee and project owners on what equipment is likely to be useful to current and future projects. Facilitate equipment workshops with project owners. Suggest equipment purchases. Report on state of equipment to committee.
  • Regional Marketing Officer
    Identify online and offline communities. Devise strategies by which to promote larp games and events to these communities, with a view to recruiting new players into larping and potentially into joining nzLARPS. Coordinate marketing campaigns. Update the NZLARPS Auckland facebook page and any other social media.
  • Regional General Officer (up to 2)
    Can take up responsibilities as required.

Each position must be held by a separate individual.

The following communications have been emailed to NZLARPs members in the region:
9th Sept: “NZLARPS AGM 2023”, official announcement and call for nomination
18th Sept: Voting forms sent

If you have not received this contact wellington.secretary@nzlarps.org

Edited: To add date. Removed reference to nominations on Facebook group as these can’t be reliably monitored

Edited: Added dates of communications

Edited: Removed reference to National AGM which has been moved


The current nominees will be posted here and updated as necessary.

Regional Director: Courtney Parnell (nominated, seconded, accepted)
Regional Secretary: Sarah Albom (nominated, seconded, accepted)
Regional Treasurer: Malcolm Harbrow (nominatef, seconded, accepted)
Regional Equipment Officer: Tim Crow (nominated, seconded, declined), Frank Pitt (nominated, seconded, accepted)
Regional Marketing Officer: Heather McCaskill (nominated, seconded, accepted)
Regional General Officer 1: Bradley Blucher (nominated, seconded)
Regional General Officer 2: Tim Crow (nominated, seconded, accepted)

Who on the current committee want’s to be dropped in it again? I can nominate people

I am happy to do the administrivia, but am also conscious of the fact that I’m not really larping ATM, and still don’t know when I will feel safe to do so. If people are happy to elect me despite that, then I’m happy to serve.

(I’ve kept my membership up-to-date, but things don’t seem to have been processed this month).

Similarly I’m not particularly active in the community, so it would be better for someone else to take over. I can keep things ticking over at a pinch though.

I encourage anyone who’s interested in being part of the committee to put up their (virtual) hand. The two general officer roles are a good way to see what’s involved in committee without committing to too much initially.

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I nominate Courtney Parnell for Regional Director

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You can nominate yourself too

I second Courtney Parnell for regional director.

I’d like to self-nominate Sarah Albom for regional secretary


I second Sarah Albom for Wellington Secretary

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I’ve just emailed notification of the Wellington AGM to everyone I have listed as a current member. If you have not received it (and you think you should have) please email me at wellington.secretary@nzlarps.org

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I nominate Tim Crow and Frank Pitt for Gear Officer.

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I second Tim Crow and Frank Pitt for Gear Officer

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I’ve been holding off on self nominating to see if anyone else was interested in giving it a go

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Do I just need to nominate the incumbents to force them to make dodge rolls?

Ok, I’ll nominate myself (Heather McCaskill) for Marketing Officer but I’m all good if someone else wanted to give it a go…

I second Heather for Marketing Officer.

With appologies, I decline the nomination of Gear Officer.

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I nominate Tim Crow (@TheTimCrow) and Bradley Blucher (@BradleyB) for General Officer

I second Tim Crow and Bradley Blucher for general officer.

I nominate myself for regional treasurer.