Wellington 2024 committee reports

2024 Treasurer’s Report

The balance of the Wellington regional account on 1 September 2023 was $1,543.88. The balance on 1 September 2024 was $3,719.30, giving an increase of $2,175.42. I use the word “increase” rather than “profit” because much of that money is funds received for Consequence 3, and will be spent on running the game. But the important thing is that NZLARPS Wellington is running projects and receiving revenue again.

In addition to revenue from Consequence ($2,640.42, with another $1,682.51 arriving after our balance date), we received a single donation of $20. The 2023 annual membership redistribution of $270 fell within this financial year, but was mentioned in last year’s report.

Our only expense this year was refunding game fees for cancelled events (notably, the previous attempt at Consequence 3). This has been almost entirely cleaned up, removing a significant liability from our books. We still owe $45 for “Angels in the Fog” (which was cancelled in 2021), but there is not a lot that can be done about this if people do not respond to their email.

Last year’s bank account problems were resolved in November, and there have been no further problems.

Looking to the future, NZLARPS Wellington needs to rebuild its finances after the slow years of the pandemic. Consequence will be a big step towards that, but it will likely take several more years and a lot more projects before we are financially comfortable again.

The South Island region has provided a greater level of detail in their treasurer’s report, so I thought I’d provide something in the same format:

Since 1 September we have received three further payments from Eventbrite, and the account balance is now $6,377.12. These payments will be included in next year’s financial report.

2024 Secretary Report

As of 10th October, membership numbers were down slightly (22 compared to 26 last year).

The Wellington committee did not meet formally, but conducted business as needed by email and on Diatribe. The following resolutions were passed this year:

  • Two games were approved as NZLARPs projects: Consequence: Thunderstruck (to run 7-9 February 2025), Oops All Stalins (28 September 2024)
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Director’s Report for 2024

First I want to acknowledge that while it had been a slow year, things are slowly warming back up again bit by bit. It has been encouraging to see members of the community drive for more LARPing options again.

As part of that, while it is not officially NZLARPs, I want to acknowledge the work done by Sarah Daymond for organising the Sunday/Saturday series which drove consistent interest and activity.

In addition, Consequence is coming back which will be a big step forward again with a LARP campaign back in Wellington.

I want to also thank Frank Pitt for taking the gear as the storage was a huge financial drain, and while we return to an old solution, this

I would like to commend the work of the treasurers across all Committees for a rather frustrating situation, and thank the Wellington treasurer for getting on top of the new account and any refunds.

Overall, I am hopeful as we build our energies back up for this both as a Committee and as a community that we can return to the hobby with renewed enthusiasm.

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