Welcome to 33AR!

Hello and welcome, to 33AR!

33AR is a steampunk LARP campaign set in a post-apocalyptic Britain in a world accosted by demonic forces. 33AR is based in Wellington, with main weekend events taking place at Brookfield Scout Camp.

If you’d like to know more about 33AR, visit our website.

The website is looking really nice.

Thank you, if all goes well the game will be great too!

You can’t even imagine the grin on my face right now. This looks so bloody fantastic I’m already plotting a costume and how to make my way to Wellington (for the first time!) JUST to play in this game.


[quote=“Cinead”]You can’t even imagine the grin on my face right now. This looks so bloody fantastic I’m already plotting a costume and how to make my way to Wellington (for the first time!) JUST to play in this game.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! :smiley:[/quote]
I am very glad to hear it :smiley: I’m looking forward to seeing you there!

Woo, we have:

Three character names!

Five Registrations!

Two approved characters!

Me and Thom are quietly loosing our minds at how awesome they are. MORE MORE!!

Looking forward to this so very much. Character Name decided on, vague concept worked out, details to follow soon. Oh yes. Can’t wait…

I’m glad to hear your character concept is coming together, we’re all looking forward to reading your character sheet and seeing you at the first session!