I want my shed back. I’ve stored the vast majority of the nzLARPS gear for the last couple of years, and my shed has become increasingly unusable, partially due to the general increase in the quantity of gear, and partially due to the sheer amount we had to begin with.
I’ve decided that this will be my last term as Equipment Officer and I want to transition the gear out of my shed as soon as is practical.
My decision does not affect the recently announced Gear Rationalisation.
I’m happy to continue store a few of the hard-to-store items (golem, gate, columns etc).
So, does anyone have any ideas where we can store the gear ? Here’s my ideal:
- All costumes are on hangers
- All other gear is stored on shelves and is easy to get at
- We use the boxes as transport only
That’s unlikely, so we’ll need a space that can take all the boxes and weapons. A small (not tiny) bedroom would do, but the larger the space, the more accessible the gear will be.
I costed professional storage and the monthly fee is about $230 per month.
And NO, we won’t store the gear in the trailer as long as the trailer is parked at my mum’s place.
So, let’s get the ideas rolling in !