I got an Epic Armoury cloak from Ryan the other week (a black Cape De Luxe if anyone is curious - I think it’s quite nice), and I was thinking that I would really like to get it waterproofed, partly cause I think that would be quite cool, but also because then I could have an in-character-appropriate rain coat
To that end, I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions on how to go about doing that? I have heard that just spraying Scotchguard on the exterior should work, which makes sense to me, but I have tried that so far. A drycleaners near to my house had something up on their window claiming that they did waterproofing, but when I rang them I was told they didn’t, which rules that out. I would be quite willing to get it done professionally if anyone knows of anyone on the Shore in Auckland that can do a good job without it costing too much. Otherwise, does anyone have any other suggestions beyond Scotchguard, or is that the generally accepted method?