Is the objection that the Community Centre needs the space as a polling booth? Because otherwise I’ve never found that voting takes more than 5 minutes, and I sometimes do a special vote early at a library anyway. (Or make a group trip to a Petone polling booth all together even.)
In my case, there’s the reluctance to do anything on election day (or indeed,before the election), plus the need to advance vote if I want to make it down. Obviously the latter is not an issue for people living in Wellington.
(And I agree. Voting takes 5 minutes, and you can do it from anywhere or at anytime in the two weeks before polling day - though you may need to special vote if you don’t live in the Hutt, and that may take longer).
It’s like this for everyone. I guarantee - whoever in this community you think is the slickest organiser - they’ve got a major Arggh moment or ten under their belt.
Oh yes. Many many Argghs. But you just muddle through.
I am keen to try writing a larp - I have actual guilt over not doing one yet this year - but I expect my brain to be full of Other Things until 20 September. And sadly, I’ve never yet been able to work out how to do an NZ political satire larp