hey matt where did you find that, can you send post a link?
If you ever want to know where a picture comes from you can:
In FireFox
- Right click on the image
- Select “Copy Image Location”
(You now have the URL in the clipboard)
In Internet Explorer
- Right click on the image
- Select Properties
- Select the text following “Address (URL):” and copy it to the clipboard.
The address will be something like:
If you remove the name of the graphic (armorfront.jpg) you have the websit it came from:
Heres some people dressing as Marines.
cool that is all good research, and it is giving me ideas.
so basically the hardest part of this game is going to be the weapons.
david how possible would it be to make a motion tracker, with the right sound?
i have found a base set of rules that look good and have started developing a rule set and game overview, it is just a basic skeleton at present, rank structure, mission overview, trades both combat and non combat, that sort of thing.
if anyone has any input they would like to share feel free to put your foot in, as the rules get done i will send out to anyone who wants to give feedback.
i am serious about doing this, i already have a campaign structure in mind. and any input would be greatly appreciated.