Trouble logging in after the migration?

Login issues?

This thread has some tips if you are having trouble logging in after the Diatribe migration.

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Login issues?

Here’s some tips if you are having trouble logging in after the Diatribe migration.


Passwords haven’t been migrated, so you will need to reset yours before you can login. (Click the ‘forgot password’ link beside the login form).


  • If your user name had spaces, it now has underscores.
  • If it had non alpha-numeric characters - like brackets or ellipsis - they have been automatically removed in the migration1.

If in doubt, find a previous post you made and check how your username has been re-formatted.

Alternate login :sparkles:

After your initial login, you should be able to use Facebook, Google, or Twitter to login. If you have trouble setting up:

  1. Log in to the relevant application in a separate tab. If that doesn’t work…
  2. Make sure your email address for the application is the same as it is for Diatribe

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  1. e.g. if your name was Captain (Planet)… it would now be Captain_Planet