The 'Zek's getting a new tongue' dance

Instructions: Flail in a somewhat rhythmic fashion.

While he’s doing that, I’d be curious to know what various characters are going to think about the current plan to fashion a new tongue out of a strange metal that was located during the hell trip. Zek’s quite intent on getting a new tongue, and he currently thinks this is the most effective option that’s available. Is anyone likely to try and talk him out of it?

I really hope that it’s demon possessed, and from now on Zek has to say the worst possible thing at the worst possible time… :wink:

[quote=“musicforwolves”]Instructions: Flail in a somewhat rhythmic fashion.

While he’s doing that, I’d be curious to know what various characters are going to think about the current plan to fashion a new tongue out of a strange metal that was located during the hell trip. Zek’s quite intent on getting a new tongue, and he currently thinks this is the most effective option that’s available. Is anyone likely to try and talk him out of it?[/quote]

Well the two doctors have expressed some form of… disapproval for the whole thing. Dahlia is going to be interested in how she or Daniel will attach the thing since the tissue of the tongue is not entirely strong enough to attach metal too. Oh Dahlia will also be interested in the chemical properties of such an element (and so will her father probably)

But, Dahlia will probably not talk him out of it. Unless she finds something in the metal that is a cause for concern. She’s more than happy to attach the tongue for him if she sees the metal as being unable to harm him

Ivy will twitch and eyebrow, shake her head, say he’s crazy and see what she can do to help.

It will take Jane at least another month before she starts considering it might not be the best plan ever.

“You’re a fucking IDIOT, Zechariah Flaherty. No one really understands what that stuff is, or what it does- Or what prolonged exposure to it will do, for that matter. See this abomination on my wrist? It’s made of the same thing. The same. Damn. Thing. The stuff that lead to the enslavement of one civilisation and destruction of another. The sight of it enrages demons- And I can’t even say I blame them. And you want that to be part of you- Not just on your body, but PART of it? You’re a fool.”