The other inevitable post-Hydra thread

Dammit Russ! I don’t have time to write larps ATM, and I suddenly have a sketch for a realist, card-driven minilarp (or maybe Descended from the Queen tabletop?) about the assessment crew on a colony ship getting their exploration reports in orbit, and talking about their hopes and dreams, before making a decision on whether to wake everybody else up.


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If it was your plan, I should leave you to do it - I’m Not Allowed to write for a month at least.

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I’ve been chewing this over a little bit, and there’s a third option: using a WINTERHORN-style setup, where at the end of each act the characters assign actions (research priorities), from which they get some answers which help create and drive a narrative. But that would make it much more investigative, rather than being about hopes and dreams and the future people hope to build.

And, in an example of how design takes you in unexpected directions, the path of least resistance for this one is looking like a Descended From the Queen tabletop story game. If I want to pull it back to a larp, I’m going to have to think harder.

Meanwhile, at Consequences (UK larp con) this year:

It’s specifically about angst, so not one where everything goes well then. also, its a Peaky game, so it may be published in a couple of years.

I’d love to run the Untitled (Now Titled?) Space LARP in Christchurch at some point if you publish it (or want another run before you publish it)


Ooo that’s amazing I would love that :smile:
Currently going over all the game documents making sure they make sense then I can potentially send them to you? :smiley:


Yeah, definitely!
I can message you my email address of you’d like?

Yeah sounds great! Mostly finished tidying it all up. Had my computer crash once or twice but its fixed now haha

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