The Harvest - Mordavia Night Game - 10th Feb

The Harvest
“Dear General, the messengers before you have been dispatched with this extremely urgent letter. For the last 5 nights the township of …… an its surrounding forest has been preyed on by creatures of the night, half of the towns population is missing or have been found dead with not a drop of blood left in them. The people suspect Vampires, but the murders are so gruesome that even a vampire would not be so charismatic.
The gypsies in the forest have also disappeared five nights ago, they no longer fill the forest with there nomadic songs.
The Sheriff and the militia your own great legionnaires had trained two years earlier, left two evenings ago in the hunt of answers, but alas all were found dead and drained by the grave digger, the next morning, not very far from the cemetery.

I beg you General please help us, we need protection from what hunts us at night, please send help!”

Date: 10th February 2007

Time: 8:00pm, please don’t be late, game will commence from sunset.

Place & Location: Bottle Lake Forest Park, End of Bower Ave in New Brighton, road hangs round to the right as you near Bottle Lake, follow road until you come across a gravel car park.

What to Bring & Wear: A drink, washing water, old plain colored cloths that you don’t mind being stained, an old towel, AA Batteries for lanterns (it will be dark).

Cost: $2 Donation

Contact Details: Scottie – 027 341 6607, or email

N.B: All interested parties will need to confirm their attendance 3 days before event to allow pre-planning. Being a night game a back up light is strongly recommended, the event will be played in a set game area to avoid people from getting lost, and safety rules will be announced on the night.

Ok I’m sore, but it was worth it! For me this event was beyond my wildest expectations, my sole goal was to provide the players with a environment that left them fearful of any shadow they would see.

My favorite scene of the whole event was in the Graveyard, we had buried fleshly converted vampires buried under pine needles, and to be honest the crew did a fab job at making them blend in with the rest of the area, the party arrived and discovered not everything was dead in the graveyard as the vampires rose from their graves.
From my view point 500 meters down the road I could hear the battle closely followed by two lanterns (half the party) sprinting out of the area and across to the other side of the path, a pure terrifying moment.

Many more such events followed ranging from Wraiths, to big bullish ogres, oh and plenty of blood :smiley:.

Pictures are to come, but expect them to be poor quality, night games have that effect.

Can you see where one of the Vampires is Buried?

Again Spot the vampire

Number three

Only if they knew what was awaiting them


Vampire Lord Lance

Special Effects

Talking with the Gypsy once breaking the Spell

Ogre Ogre Ogre OI OI OI!

Vampires attack the Ogre

Final Battle, Vampires protecting Katrina

Looks like quite an event. The ogre looks awesome, well done on him. Was he used in a fairly dramatic kind of role or was he a combat character? I’d love to role play “face to face” with a face like that.

Looks like fun. Wish I could be there. Is there a forum for ChCh Mordavia or is this it? I have a friend who’s just moved down there and I think he’d be interested in joining.

This is the forum for it :slight_smile:, like to keep things simple, most of the group I liase with via MSN or email.