Looked at the event-planning calendar recently? There’s a larp or larp-related event every weekend from now until September - and sometimes more than one. Anecdotally, event organisers are finding it difficult to find calendar space, and some events have apparently been delayed by this. Others have had to shift dates when the calendar space they thought they had has suddenly been filled. In Auckland, the intersection of venue availability and weekends without another local event is getting tight so that we’re seeing weekend events run in successive weekends (and the later / last to book one apparently suffering as a result).
“Too much larp” is a great problem to have. It means we have choice and variety. But we’re at the level where clashes are basicly inevitable (either directly, or events being run too close together for people to easily do both), and event organisers are going to need to manage it carefully to avoid fratricide. They seem to be doing this by booking their venues a year in advance, which gives some certainty. Less well-organised events and those with shorter planning horizons can then fill in the gaps. But with this level of activity, its still going to mean events uncomfortably close together, and we will just have to accept that it is the new normal and adapt to suit.
Edit to add: I’m somewhat fatalistic about this, but if anyone has any suggestions for how we can manage it as a community, please speak up.