Special General Meeting - Wednesday March 3rd

Hi everybody,

The New Zealand Live Action Roleplaying Society will be holding a special general meeting to vote on the proposed amendments to the constitution to do with the structure of the society in relation to our expansion to other cities. These amendments have been written with careful consideration of the discussions on Diatribe in the past few months. There are also some miscellaneious amendments, largely to do with correcting further spelling and grammatical errors in the constitution, as well as changing it to being gender neutral.

The meeting will take place at Auckland University, the exact room booking to be announced, at 7:30pm and is expected to go until 9:30pm. In order to facilitate swift proceedings and easier collaboration with Wellington, we are posting the amendments a month out from the meeting. Discussion and amendments to amendments is welcome up to the 17th of February, and at 14 days out the list of amendments and amended amendments will be finalised. The regional Wellington branch will hold their SGM in a similar time frame and vote on the same advertised amendments and amended amendments.

A reminder of the provision on distance voting, from the Constitution:
For Members of the Society who are eligible to vote at an AGM or SGM but who are unable to attend such for the reason of their current place of residence being outside the city in which it is held, or for another reason which is presented to deemed valid by the chair more than 24 hours before the SGM or AGM, a provision shall be made for distance voting whereby the voting forms will be made available at a pre-advertised time electronically and they must within an advertised time frame be returned to a pre-determined email address to be counted by the scrutineers

Distance votes must be sent by email to nzlarps@gmail.com by 7:30pm on March 3rd.

Cameron Burns, a general officer of nzLARPS, will post the amendments as they stand, and will be managing the preparation of amended amendments for the SGM itself.

We are making some big changes to the society to cater for its future growth, and we encourage all members of the society to take part.

OK, so here are the motions. We Appoligise for the delay, but care was needed in order to reflect the opinions expressed on the forums. A few notes before we continue…

In Bold is the Motion Number and Laymens explination/Intended function of each motion.
Under that in normal type is the actual motion.
In Italics are Current clauses from the constitution or proposed new clauses.

I would appreciate discussion on ammendments to the motions only and not discussion on why we should vote one way or another on a motion as to keep my job of tracking proposed ammendments to the motions simple, Otherwise I may miss a suggestion (I will try my hardest not to) and people will bitch. If you want to campaign and try to sway others one way or another, take it to another thread this is not the place. If you dont agree with the motion but don’t want to suggest an ammendment then show on the night and vote against the motion, but dont blag it on here. I want to keep it clean and organised, Don’t make me cry its not attractive or manly (no jokes please…i know your thinking them).

Thank you for your time…Now on to the proposed list of constitutional motions…

Amend the constitution so that “Committee” is replaced with “National Committee” Except where referring to a regional committee.

That the constitution be amended so that all instances of “Committee” be replaced with “National Committee” Except where referring to a regional committee

Creation of a section detailing the structure of a regional committee.

That a Section “Structure of Regional Committees” be created that reads as follows:

[i]“A Regional committee shall consist of between five (5) and seven (7) members, comprising of a Regional Director, Regional Treasurer, Regional Secretary, Regional Equipment Officer, Regional Marketing Officer, and up to two (2) other general Committee members if the Regional Branch chooses to include them.

Regional Director
Responsible for overall running of committee and society for the region. Promote the vision of the society, chair committee meetings, work for consensus in the committee. Attend meetings as regional representative of the society. Co-ordinate with other regional directors and Society President to ensure cooperation across the country in advancing the aims and visions of the society.

Regional Secretary
Keep all club correspondence in an organized fashion. Send letters as required. Send reminders of meetings to committee members. Take minutes at meetings and distribute to committee members. Communicate decisions made by committee to members.

Regional Treasurer
Responsible for society finances. Keep general ledger to track society expenditure and income. Pay all society accounts. Bank money received. Advise on availability of funds for projects and committee initiatives. Distribute budgets to project owners and receive repayments. Pass accounts to society accountant to be registered with the government. Present financial report of current position at committee meetings.

Regional Equipment Officer
Responsible for society-owned equipment. Organize for equipment to be stored, cleaned, repaired, and made available for project events. Keep records of where equipment is kept. Advise committee and project owners on what equipment is likely to be useful to current and future projects. Facilitate equipment workshops with project owners. Suggest equipment purchases. Report on state of equipment to committee.

Regional Marketing Officer
Identify online and offline communities. Devise strategies by which to promote larp games and events to these communities, with a view to recruiting new players into larping and potentially into joining nzLARPS. Coordinate marketing campaigns

Regional General Officer x 2
Can take up responsibilities as required.”[/i]

And all following Sections be Renumbered accordingly

Add a clause on how to election procedure of Regional Committee

That an amendment to the section “Appointment and Removal of Committee” be made whereby an additional clause is added which reads:

“b) Each regional branch shall at every Regional Annual General Meeting elect a Regional Committee consisting of a Regional Director, Regional Treasurer, Regional Secretary, Regional Equipment Officer, Regional Marketing Officer who shall hold office until resignation expulsion suspension or removal from office or election of successors to office. They may, at their discretion, also appoint up to 2 General Officers.”

and that all following clauses be re numbered accordingly.

This change is to specify the name of the regional branch’s AGMs as Regional Annual General Meetings to clarify the distinction between regional AGMs with AGMs of the whole society.

That the section entitled “Formation of Regional Branches” be amended from:

“The Regional Branch will hold Annual General Meetings as set out in Sections 12, 13 and 14 and elect a Regional Committee as detailed in Section “Appointment and Removal of Committee””


“The Regional Branch will hold Regional Annual General Meetings as set out in Sections 12, 13 and 14 and elect a Regional Committee as detailed in Section “Appointment and Removal of Committee””.

Add a clause to specify who can vote in a regional AGM.

That the following clause be added to section 13:

“(f) A member shall be eligible to vote in a regional AGM if that members primary place of Residence – that listed on the membership roll – lies within the area covered by that regional committee”

A motion clearing up the whole Project-NZLARPs/Event-Region jurisdiction.

That section 25 be amended from:

“A Project shall be an event or series of events wholly organized and owned by the Society.”


“A Project shall be an event, a series of events, or other collection of work such as a publication wholly owned by the Society. A Project shall be a Project of the Society as a whole while the events that make up the project shall be under the auspice of the Regional Branch of the region in which the event is held.”

Jigging the sections that are now about the national committee. Clearing up job descriptions.

That the description of the role of president in section 19 be amended from:

“Responsible for overall running of society. Promote the vision of the society, chair committee meetings, work for consensus in the committee, cast deciding vote in case of ties. Attend meetings as society representative.”


“The President of the society shall be responsible for overall running of society, promoting the vision of the society, chair committee meetings, work for consensus in the committee, cast deciding vote in case of ties, attend meetings as society representative, liaising with all regional directors to coordinate the workings of the Society across New Zealand, managing matters related to the core function of the society, the first point of contact for those wishing to contact the society.”

MORE Jigging the sections that are now about the national committee. Removing Redundant roles from the national commitee to leave their responsibilities to be managed on a regional level.

That section 19 be amended to remove the role of Equipment Officer and General Officer.

Changing section 20, where it lists committee members, to reflect what ever the changes passed so far has been.

That Section 20 (a) be amended with the new list of committee positions.

This represents the option of having the Auckland Regional committee be the same as the national committee, the option previously referred to as the “Centralized Option”. It (as well as each of the preceding motions) is phrased in such a way that if in the future the club wishes to “Decentralize” it will require the removal of only this clause.

That a clause be added to a section regarding the national committee:

“The Auckland Regional Committee shall act as the national committee”

Adding a clause stating that membership fees go to the club’s national body.

That a clause be added to Section 6 stating that Membership fees go to the National Body as a whole to be used at the National Committee’s discretion.

De-sexing the constitution. She/He becomes They. Her/His becomes Their. ETC

That all pronouns that refer to committee members or society members as male be amended to be gender neutral, so that they will now read “they” and “their” instead of “he” and “his”.

Removal of Life Membership.

That section 4 © and section 4 (e) be removed, so that Life Members cannot be created, and that section 4 (a) be amended to “The Society shall consist of two classes of members. They are individual members and committee members.” And Clauses renumbered accordingly.

Making Discounts for membership non-specific and therefore changeable from year to year by national committee.

That section 6 be amended from

“Students and beneficiaries shall be entitled to pay one half the annual fee on production of proof of their status at the time of paying the fee.”


“Students and beneficiaries shall be entitled to pay a reduced annual fee - the amount of which shall be decided from time to time by resolution in a national committee meeting - on production of proof of their status at the time of paying the fee.”

Hi Cameron,

Thanks for this, it looks like an enormous amount of work. It looks pretty straightforward, except for the bit about the Centralising/Decentralising options. If Motion 10 passes and we stay centralised, then it’s fine, but if it doesn’t pass, don’t we need to make provision for voting in the National committee?

Attack of the minor typos:
Motion 1
"be replaced with “National Committee” Except where referring to a regional committee"

  • change the upper case E to lower case

Motion 2
" Coordinate marketing campaigns"

  • add a full stop

Motion 5
"if that members primary place of Residence"

  • put an apostrophe in ‘members’

(Sorry, can’t help it, I proofread automatically and it’s hard to turn off.)

[quote=“Stephanie”]Hi Cameron,

Thanks for this, it looks like an enormous amount of work. It looks pretty straightforward, except for the bit about the Centralising/Decentralising options. If Motion 10 passes and we stay centralised, then it’s fine, but if it doesn’t pass, don’t we need to make provision for voting in the National committee?[/quote]
The section on voting on the national commitee is already there.

Section 20 “Appointment and Removal of Committee” of the current constitution contains a section (Clause A) refereing to election of the “Commitee”, When Motion 1 passes it will refere to the “National Commitee”. A second clause (A new Cluase B) will be added by Motion 3 dealing with electing a Regional Committee. The current Clause B will become Clause C and will remain about removing members from commitees, the same as it currently does.

But you did raise something that will need adressing, The fact of who will vote on the compasition of the Auckland commitee if its acting as the national commitee. I beleive that if it is to act as the national commitee, its election should reflect as much.

So I propose:

Motion 10
That a clause be added to a section regarding the national committee:
“The Auckland Regional Committee shall act as the National committee. This clause superceeds the usual voting conditions of Section 20a and 20b for the election of the Auckland Regional Committee, The Auckland Regional committee shall be elected by vote of the full membership of the Society”

[quote=“Stephanie”]Attack of the minor typos:
Motion 1
"be replaced with “National Committee” Except where referring to a regional committee"

  • change the upper case E to lower case

Motion 2
" Coordinate marketing campaigns"

  • add a full stop

Motion 5
"if that members primary place of Residence"

  • put an apostrophe in ‘members’

(Sorry, can’t help it, I proofread automatically and it’s hard to turn off.)[/quote]
Bah!! Bah I say. Ok I’ll fix this for the night.

How would a regional branch decide whether they want to have the two optional General committee members or not?

This probably needs to be specified.

Would the regional members have a vote on this question prior to the election? A show of hands maybe? Or two votes - one for “should we have any general officers this year?” and if that comes back yes, another vote for “Should we have one general officer or two general officers this year?” And then the election.

Or perhaps if anyone chooses to run for these positions, then the positions become available? But if enough “no vote” slips are lodged by the membership, then the positions go unfilled.

Has thought been given to what the positions on the national committee will be?

I still think that the central committee needs an Information Technology Officer. I proposed a scope for this role in my draft here, which was: “Coordinate the creation and maintenance of information technology resources for the society such as the society’s website, online forum, communications technology for meetings, and the enablement of projects via information technology.”

If the central committee is not also a regional branch, then does it really need an Equipment Officer when almost all equipment will be held regionally? We could drop this role. And in that situation does the national committee still need General Officers? It doesn’t need extra committee members to “get stuff done” because most stuff is done in local committees. And it doesn’t need trainee committee members who can take more core roles in future years, because that sort of experience can be gained in the regional committees. So the General Officers seem redundant in the national committee.

In terms of motion 6 regarding “project jurisdiction”, here are some points that I’m not sure are made clear:

  1. Who approves new projects? Must they be approved by the national committee, or can they be approved by a regional committee? Similarly, can the regional committees approve new affiliates as Anna suggested on that other thread? With the national committee able to override regional decisions on new projects and affiliates?

  2. Who funds events and takes any profit? “the events that make up the project shall be under the auspice of the Regional Branch of the region in which the event is held” implies that regional branches can do so, but we may wish to make this explicit.

  3. Where do membership fees go? Do we need to explicitly state that membership fees go to the national account?

[quote=“Ryan Paddy”]In terms of motion 6 regarding “project jurisdiction”, here are some points that I’m not sure are made clear:

  1. Who approves new projects? Must they be approved by the national committee, or can they be approved by a regional committee? Similarly, can the regional committees approve new affiliates as Anna suggested on that other thread? With the national committee able to override regional decisions on new projects and affiliates?[/quote]
    Regional power to approve projects and affiliates with National Level oversight and Veto. So yeah good point something will have to be added to Section 25 (the section on projects)

Events are funded by and money for the events are taken by the region that it is held in. Yes, But your right should be phrased more specificly, I’ll look into a wording

We do need to explicitly state it. Which is why if you take a look at Motion 11 you will see “…that Membership fees go to the National Body as a whole to be used at the National Committee’s discretion”

The Discription for General Officers states “Can take up responsibilities as required”. It’s up to the region to decide how to run this at their level…Your method of if people want it then its avalible works, But the region shall decide on a region by region basis.

Motion 8, Ryan. Motion 8.

The Discription for General Officers states “Can take up responsibilities as required”. It’s up to the region to decide how to run this at their level…Your method of if people want it then its avalible works, But the region shall decide on a region by region basis.[/quote]

But what is “the region”? Is it the outgoing committee? Or is it the quorum of members at the regional general meeting? It can’t be the incoming committee, because that’s after the horse has bolted. I doubt this will be an issue, but I think it would pay to specify where the authority lies as it’s theoretically possible to get a situation where the outgoing committee says “there shall be no general officers in the coming year” but then the quorum says “actually we want one”.

Thanks for pointing out the motions I overlooked, I seemed to have some motion blindness there.

Or perhaps motion sickness… boom boom.

On a more serious note thanks for doing this guys it’s great that you’re making changes to incorporate us out of towners.


The Discription for General Officers states “Can take up responsibilities as required”. It’s up to the region to decide how to run this at their level…Your method of if people want it then its avalible works, But the region shall decide on a region by region basis.[/quote]

But what is “the region”? Is it the outgoing committee? Or is it the quorum of members at the regional general meeting? It can’t be the incoming committee, because that’s after the horse has bolted. I doubt this will be an issue, but I think it would pay to specify where the authority lies as it’s theoretically possible to get a situation where the outgoing committee says “there shall be no general officers in the coming year” but then the quorum says “actually we want one”.

Thanks for pointing out the motions I overlooked, I seemed to have some motion blindness there.[/quote]

At the moment, isn’t it the new/incoming committee that decides what’s happening for the coming year?

How would that work for deciding whether to have general officers in the upcoming year? The new comittee can’t vote on it’s own composition if it’s already been voted in. It sounds like the outgoing comittee would decide what shape the incoming comittee should be, sometime before the AGM to vote in the new comittee. Which would function fine logistically, but might feel a little weird to the voting membership who may have different ideas on the matter. Anyway, that approach would be okay by me but I think it needs to be explicit.

Yeah, but yuck. Is it possible we’re going to have to consider including, as part of the committee voting, a vote as to whether or not to fill the General Officer roles for that year? That way it’s entirely in the hands of the membership as to whether we have them, AND who they are…

Can’t you vote for the core positions, then have a second vote to decide if there will be general officers? Why shouldn’t the main constituency decide that?

Do you mean have a vote to fill the core positions, then have a second vote to decide if there should be GO’s? If so, that’s what I was asking as well, despite the horrible wording :confused:

Yup. I’m just saying, the constitution should specify how it happens.

[quote=“TequilaDave”]Do you mean have a vote to fill the core positions, then have a second vote to decide if there should be GO’s? If so, that’s what I was asking as well, despite the horrible wording :confused:[/quote]Yes, that’s what I meant. (Sorry, been short of sleep, didn’t pick up your intended meaning.)


Just thought i’d throw out my proposed wording on a change to motion 3 that clears up how general officers are appointed:

“b) Each regional branch shall at every Regional Annual General Meeting elect a Regional Committee consisting of a Regional Director, Regional Treasurer, Regional Secretary, Regional Equipment Officer, Regional Marketing Officer who shall hold office until resignation expulsion suspension or removal from office or election of successors to office. They may, also appoint up to 2 General Officers during the regional AGM if the need be shown by a simple majority vote prior to the voting on those positions.”