Information on the setting. This will be getting updated in the near future.
I’ve read through the setting and one thing strikes me (well, more of a question);
Should I read this as that The Peoples Republic are Evil?
All through the text I feel that it is heavily weighted towards The Shadow Government being “good” and TPP being “bad”.
I do have a question to the authors, that needn’t be answered extensively: Why do TPP believe that they are “good”? Why are they “right”? Do they? Or are they more like Dr. No? All about domination? And if so, how do they motivate their population to do suicide bombings (which takes quite extreme motivations)?
Neither side is wholly good or wholly bad. Dead Zealand history may be slanted towards the Shadow Parliament but that doesn’t make them good guys. They can be as bureaucratic and dictatorial as the Communists and the People’s Republic and be the heroes and friendly types. It’s all dependent on the situation and the views of the individual.
I hear you and understand that “good” and “evil” is a matter of perspective.
However, all through the text TPP is portrayed as an extreme oppressional force (with concentration camps, dissident hunts, suicide bombers and more), while TSP is quite neutral to “good”, standing as an opposition and freedom fighters against TPP.
For me, there is no nuances, no “gray area” in regards to the different ideologies.
Is that intentional?
(As a complete newbie to the setting of FallOut:DZ going into the game the only input I have is the Setting document. And after reading it I get the strong feeling that the game is constructed towards players being either TSP, associated with TSP or Evil TPP (and neutral parties). I don’t know if this is true or not, I’m only saying that is how I interpret the text. Which, by the way, is fine with me. I only want to address my thoughts about it.)
There has already been two games (which I do not know much about apart from that they were very appreciated). Did “who is right/wrong” questions rise during the games?
Also, what happened during the last 168 years? The first 61 years are detailed down to quotes, dates and detailed event. But not the 168.
Is this also intentional?
Would you like players to “fill in the blanks”?
If so, I’d be more than happy to share my thoughts
That’s because, at least initialy, they were an invading and occupying force who did more than a few nasty things to ensure their rule. We’re not exactly sure how to portray that in a friendly light at the present point, but I can understand how the tone can seep through the historical text.
We are basing the Dead Zealand universe off the greater Fallout 'verse, which in itself doesn’t do to well with grey area’s in its games. Neuance’s yes, but not grey area’s, so we’re running with those ideas and seeing what we can do with them.
The rights and wrongs of both sides have indeed been raised in-game. Especially during the last day game, and we hope to continue to raise them in the future.
We have left it to the players to fill in the blanks where they think appropriate. Especially when developing their characters and back stories. Subject to GM approval/amendment where necessary.
As I’m planning on attending Game 3 it will be very interesting to see the development! I’m very exited
And I have a bit of thinking to do when writing my backstory
As Joe said the Sinners were initially a resented force in so far as they are VERY confrontational and they did invade and take over a country, where as the Parliament is just trying to reclaim their own country. However; as it will be revealed and as some players write their stories, that doesn’t mean everything about the Sinners is bad. They do have a very good standard of living for those who are part of their order for example. They do look out of those they consider citizens. There is very little crime in the North as well. While I understand that it can be hard to grasp coming from a more liberal background OOC, think of a place like Singapore - it has very high standards of living, very low crime rate and very good business and economics… but it is a police state and as such a lot of things are heavily regulated or controlled.
The Parliament on the other hand also has fairly good standards of living, but they have higher crime, and they aren’t as nice as the seem. For example, it is known that they do try and throw their weight around a little when it comes to registration for Ghouls and mutants (think NAZI like). They play pretend at being good guys, but if you dig a little deeper into their backstory and history (which will be getting written up from the Legends game) then you see a much more sinister side of them.
Grey areas… probably the ERD is the best example of this. They’re out for themselves mostly, but they aren’t too fussed about the rightness of their methods.
Basically… when it comes to it, if you are looking at the setting and how things are etc. What is written is what is commonly known… if you dig a little deeper in character however, you may find yourself being shocked at what you find.
[quote=“sibehuskies”]As Joe said the Sinners were initially a resented force in so far as they are VERY confrontational and they did invade and take over a country, where as the Parliament is just trying to reclaim their own country. However; as it will be revealed and as some players write their stories, that doesn’t mean everything about the Sinners is bad. They do have a very good standard of living for those who are part of their order for example. They do look out of those they consider citizens. There is very little crime in the North as well. While I understand that it can be hard to grasp coming from a more liberal background OOC, think of a place like Singapore - it has very high standards of living, very low crime rate and very good business and economics… but it is a police state and as such a lot of things are heavily regulated or controlled.
The Parliament on the other hand also has fairly good standards of living, but they have higher crime, and they aren’t as nice as the seem. For example, it is known that they do try and throw their weight around a little when it comes to registration for Ghouls and mutants (think NAZI like). They play pretend at being good guys, but if you dig a little deeper into their backstory and history (which will be getting written up from the Legends game) then you see a much more sinister side of them.
Grey areas… probably the ERD is the best example of this. They’re out for themselves mostly, but they aren’t too fussed about the rightness of their methods.
Basically… when it comes to it, if you are looking at the setting and how things are etc. What is written is what is commonly known… if you dig a little deeper in character however, you may find yourself being shocked at what you find.[/quote]
Very cool!
Thank you so much for clarifying!
Sounds awesome!