Safety standards for building weapons

Hi guys,

I wondered if NZ Larps ever laid down a set of safety standards for building/buying weapons. Recommended core thicknesses, thicknesses of foam on striking and non striking surfaces etc.

I’ve started to make some staffs for Teonn, and was wondering if there were official NZ Larps guidelines in place?



There were going to be but they never got done…

As it stands it comes down to the individual gm’s for games to ok weapons.

I would like to say ‘if you are happy for somone to hit you with it then its ok’ but unfortunatly there are people in the community who do re-enacting and hit each other full strength with what is essentially a 2 by 4.

I apply UK larp standards to anything I build these days - you should know those matey


Yeah, that wouldn’t make me happy.

Please introduce me, they sound like fun! :smiley:

EDIT: Oh, just realized you’re quite possibly talking about me. If you are, your statements are inaccurate. I’ve never been happy to be hit :unamused:


The stuff I’ve made so far is to UK Standards, which has been good so far, just wondering if there was a similar thing over here.

Muppet/Nikki as these new toys will be for Teonn which is your game any thoughts?



The wonderful thing about standards, are there are so many to choose from :smiley:

Honestly, if someone would suggest a popular (but simple) set of rules to the nzLarps committee, I’m sure they’d just consider adopting them.

I believe these are the standards that most people, including myself, work to.

They look good. Clear, simple and precise.

I have a couple of comments about the rules:

  • I’m not sure if the commercially made weapons have the cloth insert in the tips, but we could exclude them from the requirement to conform if we wanted. Personally, I’ve always added them.

  • They specify the padding needs to be 1.5 x the core thickness, but I don’t think this works well for tubes. One of the examples they give is 22.2mm tube with 3mm sidewall. This has the same mass by length as 15mm rod, so (to my mind) it should require the same amount of padding. A 22.2mm tube with 1.5x padding ends up 88.8mm thick (22.2mm + 33.3mm + 33.3mm). I think “weight per meter” is a better way to determine the padding requirement, and that a handy table could be provided for people without electronic scales :smiley:

  • Other than that, I think that if we could confirm that the EVA camp mats are similar enough to the foam specified (or just decide they’re similar enough without testing), and reword the foam requirements to whatever the local foams are, we could just submit these to the nzLarps committee to chat about at a meeting.

That sounds good Derek, is that an offer to do it, you know I’d volunteer, but you’re in Auckland… :slight_smile:

I think the 1.5 x is for bladed weapons between core and striking surface. Hafted Weapons,Staffs, Maces etc. seem to recommend a constant 10mm padding. Which seems to work. Definitely a chart showing what thicknesses to what core diameters would be good, make it really simple and clear.

I guess it is.

Thanks Derek well volunteered :wink:

Okay HERE is what I’m going to aim for…


So applied to larping =