Riftside Review: Call for content

The Riftside Review, Consequence’s premier news outlet, will be publishing two editions in the near future: a pre-game edition (the old post-game edition, re-dated to 5 November, to remind everyone of what happened last game), and an in-game edition (to be published 7 November 1869). I am seeking content for both.

For the pre-game edition, I am seeking “business cards”, small advertisements by people who provide services in the town. I am also hoping someone will give me an eyewitness account of the attack on the Montgomery Gang (talking up their own heroism, if they like). Short is beautiful: there’s about 500 words per column, and I have only one and a half columns to fill, and the GMs may want some of that space.

For the in-game edition, I plan to collect the stories actually in-game, but I’m still after small ads (because its easier to prep those earlier and then drop all the actual news into the pre-prepared template). If you’d like anything published, you can just drop it in at the office on Friday night or Saturday morning. Or, drop by for a chat: the editor is always willing to listen and take notes.

Also, if you want anything printed in-game or for collection in-game:

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I’d love for the same Business card as before please!

And if you need filler, I’ve got a list of injuries and prices to fix that may be worth publishing.

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Would we put this next to the Chain Gang’s list of prices to cause?

Though as a Respectable Publication, I’m not sure I could publish that sort of thing.

You’re a respectable publication? Since when? :grin:

We may not have a functioning spellchecker, but we have ethical standards. We proudly carry advertisements for structural violence, but draw the line at individual.

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Ah right. That…sounds sensible?

As for the Casino, could you put an advert in that points out

  • That there’s poker to be played!*
  • That we’ve got tea and water (and, presumably, coffee?) all day
  • That anyone who wants to leave their own teas behind the bar is welcome to do that
  • That we offer the same service for alcoholic drinks and will serve them back to you in the evening when you ask for them

I’m not capable of writing all of that down in the right tone. But you know what to do. :slight_smile:

*I still haven’t seen a summary of the crew briefing (we were away that weekend). But I really hope that the games will be back…preferably in the shape of a small tournament. But anything works, really…!

Ah, update. The games will be back. :smiley:

So: poker!

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Sounds like a local news piece!

Heh. Not in the shape of a tournament I’m afraid. But the card dealer is back, and casual competitive games are on for anyone who wants to play them. (I got the crew briefing today, so…)


Well, a list of injuries and problems is the sort of thing a community minded newspaper would want people to be aware of? Advertising prices for crimes is probably too much.

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Well, Doctor Stevenson will be offering the following serivces at the listed prices:

First Aid: 20 Credits. Tourniquet: 25 Credits.
Bullet Removal: 20 Credits.
Wound Stitched: 30 Credits.
Splint: 25 Credits (10 for Improvised).
Infection Excision: 50 Credits.
Life Saving Surgery: 100 Credits.

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Sounds entirely reasonable. :smiley:

Bump for game 3! No pre-game edition this time, but I’m after ads, or personal announcements, or whatever, to publish in the in-game edition.

Update: there will be a pre-game front-page, so if you have Friday-specific ads or announcements, I can squeeze them in. Currently I have a ~100-word block and a ~45 word block; I can fill them if no-one wants them, and shift stuff around if people want more than that. The deadline for making the pre-game issue (or submitting early content for the Saturday issue to make my life easy) is 5pm Tuesday 22 June.

(Front-page only because the back page is local news, which I obviously don’t have pre-game. Also, I haven’t worked out my new advertising format yet).