Tuesday 11 December 6pm at my place:
21a Hargreaves Street, Freemans Bay. Take Gudgeon Street off College Hill and you’ll see City Auto, which I live on top of.
In the interests of improving inter-game collaboration, society direction and community awareness I’m hosting a meeting/celebration/gear workshop for project leaders at 6pm on Monday the 12th of October.
If you’re intending to run a game in the next six months or you have run an event in the last six months, this is for you. We’ll aim to schedule event dates, help each other out on hard questions, work out what the best stuff to produce is, and make some badass re-usable kit at the same time.
I want the room so jam-packed with larp-authorin’ talent that a single mass-murderer or freak-accident could end the New Zealand larp scene completely.
I’ve got some specific costume in mind for making. It’s fairly easy to make, machine-washable, easily stored and designed to swap between games. The costume is suitable for all events set post-1900. If you run an historical setting I’d still really like to have you there - let me know if there are any bribes that would entice you!
On the agenda for discussion will be how we can make big things happen with our shared player base, what we want/need from nzLARPS, when our events can happen, how we can make other people’s events look good and that kind of thing.
Can anyone let me know if this new date is bad? Kthx!