Jack is going to be recovering for a while, he suffered from Scarlet Fever on Saturday morning, and then almost died twice, the first time being in the debacle at the Bandit camp, the second being in his duel with the Colonel.
He doesn’t have any plans to go anywhere, and plans to enjoy his share of the spoils from the little escapade he, Luka, & Thor took part in.
It’s going to be interesting what happens when Lord Khaine discovers his whiskey stash has disappeared though.
However, Drey was on hand to assist Jack both times he went down, so if Drey needs any help with anything, he’ll be happy to accompany him. Jack feels a little sorry he didn’t feel like he could help Drey & Valencia, when they went off looking for Valencia’s maker. While this was due to his previous commitment to Esther & her baby, he still feels bad about it, so will be more accommodating than he might usually be in this regard.