So, what is everyone planning to do in 2019? Here are my plans:
Cerberus 2019: Currently undecided, but looking at Arsenic & Lies , a card-based murder mystery larp, or at Under the Mountain from Crescendo Giocoso .
Hydra 2019: premiering Property & Propriety , the sequel to Longmuir Hall , and running Best of the Wurst from Peaky Games (I am now regretting not taking the opportunity to do a Wellington run of Gehenna Memo though).
Winter 2019: Wellygeddon is early this year, in mid-April, so in May I’m running The Expanse: Titanic Machinations , and following it up with Volcano’s Edge in July.
Phoenix 2019: Currently undecided.
October 2019: Hopefully helping @Catnip run The Constanza Blockade , the penultimate Kestrel game.
November 2019: NaLaWriMo. Which may mean a third Longmuir Hall game, depending on how Property & Propriety goes at Hydra.