Place for a larp

hi guys
im trying to find a place in hamilton where a bunch of mates and i can run about in a slightly confined space shooting eachother with modded nerf guns.cost to be anything from free to etc… i need it to be abandoned looking or such. even a dodgy as place, i just need a good place for a post apocalyptic larp. my mates dont think nerf guns have much pain involved so we are getting face masks and putting pins in the darts and air canisters in the guns. weve tested them and the pins can only go in about 5mm so its kill-safe :slight_smile:. but would really like it if i could get some help on the location.

You want the darts to be painful, so you’re putting pins in them that will stab you when you’re shot?

That sound like a really, really bad idea.

Did I mention that sounds like a really bad idea? Immensely, mind-bogglingly bad.

Thank you Ryan, my thoughts exactly. That’s mental. Hey, here’s a thought, why not throw acid at one another while you’re at it. That’s nice and uncontrolled. /end sarcasm

Use paintball guns if you want them to sting. Geez.

Totally agree with Ryan here, those are one step off air powered weapons as is, from the sound of it.

Better idea would be to contact an air soft club and speak to them, they have the safety gear, know how, etc, and would make this a much safer enterprise.

A phenomenally bad idea. If you need pain to have fun, maybe you should just hire a dom?

For the love of god, please don’t do this. I am seconding every post here that talks about how there are safe ways to have simulated military experiences, please go find and talk to those groups, and don’t do anything insane like home-moded nerf pellets with pins.

And if you guys do go ahead with this (don’t go ahead with this, seriously) then please don’t end up on the news, I really don’t want to be getting calls from the six o’clock news asking me about how larp is an unsafe activity the nation’s children should be protected from. Please.

The risks associated with this idea are immense. Let’s assume that you manage to pull this off without getting a pin through someone’s eye or in their mouth or somewhere else that requires immediate hospital treatment: have you considered the other risks ?

In the mid-90’s we had an epidemic of Hepatitis C. The main vector was junkies. They weren’t sharing needles (noboby remotely sane does that anymore), but they were using from the same supply - and that’s enough for Hep C to get through. Repeatedly shooting the same set of pins into each other is pretty much this same thing.

So, the game you propose is, in effect, a Hepatitis C transmission vector. It’s also an HIV vector, and will help transmit a bunch of other blood-borne diseases as well.

Oh yeah, you can’t cure Hep C (or HIV), and once you’ve got it you have to live with the (potentially crippling) effects for the rest of you life. Like not being able to drink alcohol.

Do the right thing and play airsoft instead. Or if you must have pain on the cheap, why not use boffer/latex weapons and hit each other really hard ?

Insane Needle Nerf gunning aside, he has actually just asked for help in finding a location only. Technically all else is off topic…


Shouldnt we stay on topic…

If not then all I have to add is that 5mm depth is still enough to cause serious injury if hitting major arterial routes in the neck, groin etc. Not to mention all the danger in a shared blood/unclean area infection issues. Player preservation is a good way to avoid diminished numbers in your play group due to unsightly things such as death/major infury.

You should stick with blunt force trauma of a paintball gun. Much Much cooler. Also I think there was a post apoc event run up that way last year. I think that may your best option of getting that kind of thrill without the amateurish nerf gun mad scientist retro fit

Other than that its Hamilton. Surely the city has a bunch of run down places with which to set a Post Apoc Larp

Oh such a bad idea Lochie and well covered by other people. Don’t do it.

You can buy cheap BB guns, age limit 18 (which I think is an issue here). The police view BB guns as the real deal. Using them in public will earn you some real pain as you meet the AOS guys face to face. Or face to pavement. So not a good option.

Paintball is relatively expensive yes. Final Impact on Te Rapa Rd has an ideal semi enclosed field which kind of fits the post apoc setting. Play in shorts and tee shirts. Shoot them in the balls if pain is an objective.

Venues - theres Tokonui just south of Te Awamutu but its not overly cheap. Some airsoft guys have used it before. There are some derelict diary factories and meat works around the Waikato, again they aren’t anywhere near free to use.

But to the point of a venue, no one is going to allow you to hire a venue to play needle nerf. There is an airsoft group around Hamilton, so try them first.

If we can’t convince you otherwise, don’t call what you’re doing larp because needle nerf is not live action role play, its just a recipe for disaster.


i hate u all sometimes :frowning:


I shall do all I can to contain my sorrow.

When I was a kid we used to play “paintball” using bb guns and bluetac for bullets. It was lots of fun. We had safety goggles, of course. I probably got shot a couple of hundred times and only a couple bled.

Have fun, but remember not to share needles.

EDIT: you can buy paintball guns for $150

When I was a teenager, I did a variety of exciting things. Some of them, I now wish there had been someone there to say “that’s a really bad idea, don’t do it”.

I can easily imagine me & my mates thinking shooting pins at each other would be fun. It’s a teenage boy thing, showing how tough you are, plus I guess there’s the slapstick comedy of it. But there are problems that aren’t immediately obvious, like the infection thing people have been saying, or getting a pin through your nut or something. Not so fun then.

Your post apocalyptic larp, played somewhere cool with Nerf guns with your mates sounds great. People are just warning against the pins, we’re not hassling you. Unfortunately not many posters here know Hamilton well enough to answer your real question about venues. But finding a really good venue is the hardest thing in many larps, so you can’t expect too much from us.

right now, im just desperate for a larp. hamilton right now isnt active and i havent had a larp since hallows eve. im seriously in need to kill an ogre or somthing. we didnt use the pin idea but we still used the gun mods and it was pretty fun, but nothing beats a sword or axe for larp.

Larp in Hamilton is in a sad state. Theres Darkness Falls as the only regular outing (but its not a live combat larp). I do feel responsible but one can never really appreciate the impact having a baby has on your free time.

That being said Lochie, if you have a bunch of mates who are keen for a bit of a bash in a park, then let me know I can sometimes spare an hour or 2 on weekends.

Ok thanks Jared. Sorry for being a prick and stuff :frowning:. I wish I could help try to get some larp in but ideas like so make people think " wow this kids mental" and stuff. I’m trying to get more ppl to lrp and forget about the nerdy aspect cus it really ain’t nerdy at all. N e way… I have a different idea that uses weapons of melée nature and a modern twist… And no pins :slight_smile:. I’ll send u guys the PDF link if u want? It’s just a short storyline but it can easily be molded into a fun game type. Zombies ftw!

Ah, now zombies… zombies are always awesome. :mrgreen:

here ju go
hope u like it.
ps: zombies die under a lrp sword… :smiley:
pss:i edited the title myself
psss:left 4 dead larp parody thing
pssss:these ps’s are getting obsessive
psssss… oh god who is putting in all of these!!! :imp: