Phoenix project

21 of you lovely people have respond to the emails and questionnaire, 3 of you are still at my casting mercy, so please respond soon, or you may find out more than you want about this top secret military experiment :wink: we neither confirm nor deny …

two more to go, and one of those just told me they never got the email,so please if you have selected the phoenix project as one of your game sessions and you have not heard from me, please pm here and i will get back to you asap. though if i haven’t heard from you lovely missing people by Friday, i will start casting regardless. you have been warned (booming ominous tones, voice, thing).

Thank you everyone for sending in your answers, i am now going to spend the weekend in serious contemplation of the many different responses and begin casting you for your roles. so looking forward to running this for you all :slight_smile:

just a quick note to say i haven’t forgotten you all, been busy with the house of horrors down at the rotorua youth group, and only just got back tonight, i’ll be casting over the week and will have the characters to you asap

Apologies for the delays gentlefolk, tec studies and prior commitments have slowed me down but we are almost ready.
the full details will be sent to you by the end of the coming week in time for chimera but you all have your basic teams and costuming requirements. conjecture all you wish amongst your teams now, but after you all receive your final character sheets please try NOT to reveal any secret information until IN GAME, thank you.


Porl bowdler colonel Jeffrey Lucas us air force base commander.

Matt swain dr scott granger. Phd

James Story Lt Ronald Jamison base security officer

Tk cram howard randall psychic test subject (the geek)

Kirk jacinto Stuart Driscoll, almost burnt out test subject.

Michael Andrew Air Sergeant Roger Kawolski base security officer.

Allen shaw dr Phillip Holzman base MD

Jade hellmore - dr Grace Hamilton phd


Patch- deputy director Aaron Fitzpatrick NSA special projects dept, (team leader)

Cheryl – NSA special agent Patricia Maxwell

Gareth hawken – nsa agent Douglas Tindell

Linda Cormack – Deputy Director, Allison Montgomery NSA counter intel.

Catherine davies – Geraldine Simpson NSA sciences adivisor

Leela – Katherine Blackley nsa sciences advisor

Claire ahuriri – Sharon Campbell NSA special agent

Sarah daymond – Marion Dafoe NSA special agent


Raoul gryffth – Commissioner Gerald Maxwell senate oversight team leader

Wayne rogers – Stuart Kramer radiation technologist NRC

Leslie sanderson – professor Harriet Barrister senate sciences advisory

Gaffy – Dr Lucien Richardson defence advisory,

Lisa aronson – Office of the auditor general Ms Teresa Mac Kinsky

Tk findley – Dr Fredrick Stelveson nuclear and radiation scientist NRC

Glenn patel – dr Graham Spencer senate committee on environment, scientist

Antonia brown – Dr Amanda Newcastle senate committee on environment, scientist

A very good question was asked a couple of days ago about the condition and status of Montauk Airforce base, In character the base is officially decommissioned, and basically only has a few security guards to keep trespassers out, as we all know of course its still secretly being used. To give you all an idea here’s what the real Montauk looks like.

team Montauk you have your briefing and full character sheets.

team NSA your next.

Team NSA and team Senate, your full character sheets have been sent to you on the emails provided.

and as a side note to team senate, i accidentally sent your briefing with out a subject line so if you get a strange email from my gmail account its game related. so don’t panic.

T.K. here. Can you send Wayne Rogers information/character sheet to me as he hasn’t got reliable access to the net. :unamused:

wilco TK

we have a replacement player for a drop out, Geraldine Simpson is now Gerald Simpson. those of you with that name on your character sheets please alter them accordingly.

apologies but i will be losing internet access at home for an undetermined amount of time, so if you have ay questions you can pm on facebook , or send an email to i will try to access a computer at unitec to answer you but i can no longer engage in detailed discussions.

right while on the subject of stuff for the game, i am using a simple system with simple props and a simple gm (nah just kidding) combat should it occur is mimed out by rock paper scissors, its simple and you must win to have your affect go off, most people can take 5 hits (your all tough and determined folks) no if you have a “you’re good at” you succeed on wins or ties, losing is still losing.

you can attempt any task you think you have a reasonable chance at but actual interaction tasks require you to roleplay.

so with those simple rules let the game commence this Saturday.

Greetings all my players, i have had a system failure that has wiped all my files, so the character sheets i sent you are the only ones i currently have available so please print them off, and spare a harried gm from caffiene depleted stress. thank you :slight_smile: apoligies for the inconveninece

A good game! Maybe you needed a narrator to help as you looked rushed off your feet. Otherwise, a truely awesome game, even though my character is a play thing for the elder gods. :mrgreen:

thank you, actually i was doing fine, i am used to thinking fast on my feet, having run Auckland owbn from 1995-97, its when i slow down i have trouble. next year though i am already forming my gm team for the new game so look out at chimera 2014 :wink:

thank you, actually i was doing fine, i am used to thinking fast on my feet, having run Auckland owbn from 1995-97, its when i slow down i have trouble. next year though i am already forming my gm team for the new game so look out at chimera 2014 :wink:[/quote]
Well, if you ever need any help I’d be more then happy to lend a hand.