Online LARPing?

I was super excited, but it’s in the middle of my work day!

Contagion - format change due to Covid-19 - My after-action report is in there now

A guide to Discord for larpers is being shared over facebook today:

(But dammit, you have to install the app, rather than just use the browser)

An online Regency larp. Unfortunately, its on UK time:

A guide to designing, organising, running and playing digital larps:

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Online LARP-Community building convention. I shall probably pop in for at least some of it!

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That looks quite interesting. Looking at the timetable, there are guided discussions on “finding larps to run”, and on fostering collaboration across groups. And its on PST, so their evening sessions are our afternoons, which seems workable.

Via the Facebook “InterCon X” group, there’s a Discord Larp Bot. Documentation attached.

LARP Bot GM Guide Public.pdf (63.6 KB)

InterCon U - the US’s big larp convention - has been officially bumped until 2022. In its place, they have an online con, ExtraCon, which is currently looking for events: