OG2 : Thing

You go Og thing?

  • Me go
  • Me want go but no can
  • You smelly! Me no go!

0 voters

Well I suppose I should start preparing for the next OG game.

Due in October (exact date to be confirmed - 8/10 or 15/10) and similar to the last game in structure and price. At the moment, I’d like to get some idea of how many of you will want to play.

You can see everything about the last game on nzlarps.org/ogpage/og.html and extrapolate from there. The individual briefs will be different this time, of course…

There will be no minibus this time, and payments will be sent direct to the NZLARPS account.

Post here if you’re planning to take part, and if you want to reserve hire of a costume at $5.

Julianne and I will be there and require 1 costume.
Do I get to continue my character Big Big, and if so will I have recovered the words I have lost or not?
I’m sure Nikki, Ryan and Julianne are keen to continure as slaves to Rock Tribe.

I was going to start a completely new game. However, there would still be ‘rock’ and ‘tree’ tribes, so you could still be the ‘rock big-big’, I guess.

well, with the vote for “yes” as my last characters name, the chosing was not hard. ogs awesome, you should all go! though someone has to wear a coconut bikini (i would but being a guy would make that a little odd)

[quote=“adam”]Julianne and I will be there and require 1 costume.

which one of you gets it? :wink:

depends how and where you wear it, and with a name like “Yes” it might actually count as advertising

ok, so i have one vote from Carl for wearing one, anyone object? or are there more votes for it?

I’m up for this.

And I vote against Walter wearing coconut bikini.

Hang on i am not voting for it, i was just suggesting a costume idea, one in the front and one on your head.

I might actually be able to make this, and I can even create my own costume, as I have just butchered a furry costume for hair for something else I am working on that no one needs to know about just yet.
Whats the price, and times please.


As to price and times it will be the same as last time (see above link) however the date is still TBA. I need to have some idea of numbers so I can tailor the scenario (last time, we really had too few for the scenario I wanted - but it worked out OK after all)

Oh yes - I also need some (large) stuffed toys that people dont mind seeing beaten up. No cherished childhood friends, please, as they might not survive. I have a couple here, plus thers a few from last game. Larger ones (football size or bigger) rather than smaller (which get lost).

sorry you took all mine the first time.

so i now have two votes against, and none for? damn. oh well, its probably for the best. maybe ill stick with coconut armour instead.

I will play.