Obtaining flags

If anyone wants to get flags for props, then http://www.flagheaven.co.nz are very good.

You can get all the normal flags, plus pirate flags, historical flags (eg, king Richard, Nazi germany, etc) and a few plain weird ones. Might be useful for props in certain cases.

Cool site, great cheap way to decorate a larp.

NZLARPS has a US flag we purchased for the Executive Decision game.

Where is said flag? I would like to use it.

Obtain it from the Gear Librarian (Mike) as you would with any other gear.

I’m thinking a pirate flag would be of great use to the Priates project, too.

The USA flag is probably in the box marked “Misc” in the gear shed.

We should really get a list of key items online sometime. I mean, most of it could be listed in one line as “random medivalish costume of varied quality” but it would be nice to know what the odd items are. We did do a stocktake, long ago.

Stocktakes are good, but I haven’t figured out a way to reliably index the gear.

The big problem is that most things are stored in boxes, and despite all endeavours and best intentions, things inevitably end up in the wrong box.

So, many items require a search to find them. Like the flag.

The real solution is to have everything stored in a highly accessible fashion, and we only use boxes to transport the gear.