NZLARPS South Island Treasurer’s Report
I have been unable to carry out my duties as Treasurer as no one in the South Island Committee has had access to the bank account since the last Treasurer left in July of 2022. At that time I tried with no success to get access to the account in my capacity as (at the time) Regional Director but this was not accomplished. I was then nominated for and accepted the position of South Island Treasurer. In the 14 months since the last Treasurer left, access has still not been given, and so the account has, in effect, been frozen.
I cannot give the current balance of the South Island account as despite assurances that the National Committee can provide me with this information, they have not done so in the timeframe required for this report. I can report that as of the Friday 18th of August 2023, the bank account balance sat at $1,486.08. That is the most recent figure provided to me (by the South Island Regional Director, who received an email from the National President).
I have been informed - again from the National President via the Regional Director, not directly - that the bank has been unhelpful in this transition. I have also been informed that the previous signatories completed all the steps necessary for the National Treasurer to assign access to the Regional Treasurers, and the continued lack of access to the account in order to provide my function as Treasurer has been immensely frustrating.
It is for these reasons that I am not seeking re-election to the committee, and I wish the incoming Treasurer the best of luck in their new role.