NZLARPS South Island AGM and Nominations Thread - 20 November 2021

Good morning,

This is the announcement for the NZLARPS South Island AGM which will be held on the Discord ( to join), at 7pm on Saturday the 20th of November.

Currently the membership of the South Island branch of NZLARPS is at a very low level; anyone living in the South Island can join NZLARPS between now and the AGM and will be eligible to vote on the positions on the committe.

In addition we are accepting nominations for positions on the committee; you must be an NZLARPS member to accept a nomination.

Thank you

Matt Swain
NZLARPS South Island Regional Director.


I nominate myself for Regional Director. (Seconded by Adrexia)

I nominate @Carla for Gear Officer. (Seconded by Adrexia)

I nominate @Edward_Stutters for Treasurer. (Seconded by Adrexia)

I nominate @jenhay for General Exec Member. (Seconded by Adrexia)

Can I have acceptance of these nominations?

We’re in desperate need of someone who wants to fulfill the role of Secretary - any takers?


I second all of these people

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I do accept the nomination.

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I accept my nomination

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I accept my nomination for gear officer.

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