The NZLARPS National Committee doesn’t formally meet, and instead conducts business through its Diatribe forum. As a result, we don’t publish formal minutes. Instead, we have decided to provide a quarterly summary of business.
Matters discussed
Since December the National Committee has:
[li] Continued work on switching banks. We now have new accounts with ASB and are arranging access for regional treasuers. Once that is done, we’ll be able to announce the new account numbers and start the transition process.[/li]
[li] Got an update on Hamilton’s funds (currently held in the national account) post-Medusa.[/li]
[li] Received an update on membership numbers from the Secretary.[/li]
[li] Updated the historical list of committee members.[/li]
[li] Worked on sorting out our tax situation. This is still ongoing.[/li]
[li] Discussed the possibility of doing an article on NZ larp for LarpZeit’s next international issue.[/li]
[li] Discussed “community toxicity” and the applicability of the Code of Conduct to member’s Facebook posts. On the former, there was a consensus that while there was clearly a problem and that we would prefer less of it, there was very little NZLARPS could do to help. On the latter, the Code of Conduct only applies to attendees of NZLARPS projects; NZLARPS can only act against social media abuse if it was so extreme as to bring the society into disrepute. Opinions were divided as to whether NZLARPS should involve itself in such matters.[/li][/ul]
Motions passed