NZLARPS National Committee quarterly summary January 2016

The NZLARPS National Committee doesn’t formally meet, and instead conducts business through its Diatribe forum. As a result, we don’t publish formal minutes. Instead, we have decided to provide a quarterly summary of business.

Matters discussed
Since September the National Committee has:
[li] Held the 2015 AGM, elected a new national committee, and updated the Registrar of Incorporated Societies with our financial statements, rules change, and new contact details.[/li]
[li] Naomi has migrated the NZLARPS websites (,, and the Chimera site) to a new host and new platform, and is working on migrating Diatribe. Progress on the upgrade can be tracked here, and there’s a poll and information on the diatribe changes here. When complete, the upgrade will significantly reduce our hosting costs.[/li]
[li] Discussed the possibility of a marketing survey for the Auckland and Hamilton branches to get some data about game demand.[/li]
[li] Discussed the proposed new Incorporated Societies Bill (information here) and the consequences for NZLARPS. It is possible that NZLARPS will make a submission on the bill.[/li]
[li] Received an update from the Wellington Marketing Officer about progress on the marketing photo archive.[/li]
[li] Received a warning from the Dunedin Regional Representative about spam sent to NZLARPS accounts.[/li]
[li] Received an update on membership numbers from the Secretary.[/li][/ul]

Motions passed
2015-3 (27 Oct 2015): That we pay USD10 a month to host Diatribe.
3 in favour (Naomi, Malcolm, James).